It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 91

“I think it’s twins,” I blurted out.

His eyebrows shot up as he snickered. “Well, I guess we’ll see in a few minutes. Should I ask why?”

I arched my eyebrow at him and side-eyed Avery. I didn’t want to say it out loud. She might hurt me again.

“He thinks I’m already showing too much for it to be one baby. Huge, I think, was the word he used. Right, Daniel?” Avery smirked at me from the examination table.

I found the smirk rather sexy.

Dr. Pritchard started to laugh. “Oh, Daniel.” He clapped his hand on my shoulder. “I’m surprised you’re walking upright.” He pulled up the stool, still laughing. “You’ll learn, son. You’ll learn.”

“I already did,” I murmured, absently rubbing my nipple.

He chatted with Avery and took some notes while the technician got everything ready. I sat down beside Avery, held her hand, grinning as she gasped over the cold gel, and watched eagerly as the wand began to move. Dr. Pritchard was quiet as he checked and measured, his eyebrows rising as he peered at the screen and then threw me a smirk. “So you think it’s twins, Daniel?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Looks as though you’re correct.”

I felt a little smug. I knew she was too big to be carrying only one baby. I smiled down at her, trying not to chuckle over her panicked expression.

“It’s okay, Sprite. We’ll figure this out. We’ll have plenty of help,” I assured her, pressing a kiss to her palm.

Dr. Pritchard suddenly barked out a laugh. “Well, it looks like you’re going to need it.”

I looked at him puzzled. “Oh?”

“You were wrong. I was wrong. It’s not twins.”

“Oh, well, one is fine.” I squeezed Avery’s hand, wondering if she was upset, but she wasn’t looking at me. Instead, she was staring at the monitor.

He turned and faced us fully, his finger tapping the screen. “I hope you have a big house. It’s triplets.”

Now, she looked at me, her eyes as big as saucers.

The word echoed in my head.


The last thing I heard was my voice, loud and ringing in my ears. “The cribs won’t fit!”

My eyes fluttered, and I frowned. Why did my head hurt so much? I looked around. Why the hell was I lying on the floor? My puzzled gaze met Avery’s startled eyes, and it all hit me.

Avery was having triplets.


Three babies. We’d made not one, not two—as I’d suspected—but three babies.

I was gonna be a daddy to three babies. All at once.

How the hell did I get on the floor?

Dr. Pritchard chuckled as his hands slipped under my arms, pulling me off the floor. “Up you go, my boy. Sit beside your wife.” Still laughing, he handed me an icepack and my glasses. “You might need that. Nice goose egg.”

I looked at Avery sheepishly. “Oops.”

“Are you okay?” She stroked my head, concerned. “I guess that was a bit of a shock?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024