It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 93

“I’ll go check.”

“Don’t wake her if she is, Daniel.”

I held up my fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

My mother snorted, looking up from peeling potatoes. Avery had a constant craving for them now. “You were never a scout, Daniel.”

I chuckled. “I won’t wake her up.”

I peeked in the door, my lips curling into a smile at the sight of my wife asleep on her side. There were various pillows surrounding her, to support her now undeniably huge stomach, but I was sure she was still uncomfortable. We only had a short while to go, then Dr. Pritchard was confident the babies would be fine if Avery went into labor. She was confined to bed, and if needed, he was prepared to put her in the hospital. She didn’t want that, so she was following his orders to the letter.

Some days were harder than others were, though.

Most of the time, Avery was strong. Happy. So thrilled to be carrying our children, the difficult days were easier to handle. She was usually more tired and worried on those days, and the thing that seemed to make it easier on her was if I was beside her. I would talk and tell her stories, stroke her hair if she cried, and I’d kiss her until she fell asleep.

I’d kiss her a lot.

It was, my Sprite informed me, still her favorite thing.

It was mine, as well.

I started to step back when her wide eyes met mine and I realized she’d probably been awake the whole time. Slipping inside, I lay beside her, my hand rubbing her stomach in large, soothing circles.

“You’re supposed to be asleep. One of our moms will kick my ass.” The two of them were a force to be reckoned with, and I didn’t want to test it.

“I rest better when you’re here.” Her hand covered the top of mine. “Can you stay?”

I kissed her forehead. “For a while. I want you to shut your eyes and rest.”

“I’m tired of resting.”

“You only have to make it another couple days, Mommy.”

I knew she wanted to last longer and give the babies more time inside her. None of us expected her to make it this far, but she proved to be right. My wife was stubborn to the core. The problem was that they were getting bigger, and she was so small.

“You’ve done so well, Sprite.”

A small tear rolled down her cheek and I kissed her smooth skin. “Don’t cry, Avery. Please.”

“Can I have three?” Her voice was soft and pleading.

I leaned my forehead to hers. She needed lots of threes these days.

“Everything is fine. You and the babies are doing well. We’ll get to hold them soon.” I pressed another kiss to the side of her lips. “And here’s the bonus. I love you.”

A small shuddering sigh rippled through her. “I love you, too.”

“Then everything is good. Right?”

“Another kiss would make it perfect.”

I nuzzled her mouth until she was asleep.

I stood, looking down in amazement at what Avery and I had done.

Our children.

All three of them—at once.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024