It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 97

I was right.

Hours later, my favorite time of day arrived. It was just my family and me. I stood over the cribs, looking at my children—who were all asleep at the same time, for a change. It had been a big day for us. They were passed around, cuddled, kissed, and cooed over all afternoon. I’d never been hugged that much in my life. Avery was pampered non-stop, and given more advice than she could possibly remember.

We had all been thoroughly loved.

New presents were piled on the dressers. Stuffed animals, dozens of pieces of clothing, toys, and books were all there. Caitlin had tracked a careful list of the gift and giver, so thank you cards could be sent later. Tomorrow, I’d have the picture of the triplets done into the right format, and Avery would start the process. Of course, I would do everything I could to avoid helping with that task, aside from signing my name at the bottom of the note.

I stepped into our room, my eyes falling on the gift that now hung over our bed. The moment Avery opened it and stopped crying, she begged Ryan and me to hang it. It was a collage done by Beth with the inscription “It Started with a Kiss” across the top. It was our life in a combination of special photos. The center was a screenshot she had taken from our first gentle kiss at the studio. Around it were pictures of our wedding, Avery round and glowing with our children, and finally, one of us she had taken recently. It was of Avery and me together with her on my lap and all three babies held by us. My entire family encased in my arms.

It was, as Avery stated, the most perfect gift—ever.

Arms slipped around my waist, and I grinned as Avery appeared at my side, snuggled under my arm. I nuzzled her hair as we both stared at the picture.

“Who knew?” she breathed out. “Who knew the day I walked into the studio, scared and worried, we’d end up here?”

I tugged her tighter to my side.

“I still owe Caitlin for that one. I’ll never be able to repay her. Best bet I ever lost.”

“You changed my life, Daniel. You kissed me and changed everything.”

“You made mine complete.”


She turned in my arms, and her eyes met mine. They looked up at me with the same sweet expression they did the first day I met her. A swell of tenderness filled my heart as memories of that day flooded my head.

Smiling, I reached over and slid off her glasses, as I pushed mine up into my hair.

“Avery, can I try something?”

Her smile—that special smile she had only for me—curled up the corners of her inviting mouth.

“Anything, Dr. Spencer.”

We were smiling as our lips met.


Age Three

I yanked on my tie. I couldn’t get it straight—the damn thing was crooked again. Groaning, I shook my head.

Why the hell was I so nervous?

Caitlin appeared behind me, having overheard my mutterings—a habit I picked up from my wife. “Because the last date you went on, brother of mine, was with Avery, and that was yeeeeeeeaaars ago.”

I smirked. “Thanks.”

She laughed and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around. She fiddled with my tie then stepped back. “There, perfect.”


“You made the reservation?”



Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024