An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark) - Page 7

If you looked deep enough, his eyes held some lingering sadness. Holly had told me he was divorced and his ex-wife was cold and unfeeling. Holly didn’t say much else except the ex had nothing to do with her brother, Evan, or her daughter. I assumed she’d done a number on Simon, which was why he held himself in check. Watching him with Mia made my heart melt. He obviously adored his daughter, and he had no problem displaying his affection. He was an excellent father—attentive and giving. Teasing and loving, yet firm with his denials when needed. I enjoyed watching the two of them together. Mia was a delight and seemed to relish spending time with her uncle, following him around a great deal. She was well-behaved and smart, an old soul in a little girl’s body.

I had enjoyed talking to Simon. Our eyes met several times during the barbecue and we chatted more than once, but that was it. He was cordial and polite. I had left feeling oddly disappointed. When Holly told me he had decided to move here, I was secretly thrilled. When he showed up at the last barbecue, my interest piqued again, and I was happy to see him. Once again, we talked, but he didn’t take it any further. I assumed his past made him wary, and I hoped we’d meet again.

The grocery store was the last place I’d thought I would meet him.

His teasing at the store made me smile. Seeing him caused a swell of happiness I couldn’t totally explain. Knowing he was as invested in getting to know me as I was in him made me smile. I hadn’t imagined the interest in his eyes. When he asked me to lunch, it was hard not to squeal, but I kept my cool.

He was everything I thought he would be. Charming, funny, sweet. Hearing what he had to say about his ex-wife made me sad. I couldn’t imagine not falling in love with the sexy, confident man across from me. Only wanting him for his money. Walking away from my child. I couldn’t fathom it. His voice was different as he spoke about her. Cold. Removed. Almost loathing.

But when he spoke of Mia, of their life together, he changed. Became the man filled with life I had seen. His eyes were tender, his voice loving as he talked about her.

“She’s intelligent beyond her years, Amy. I mean, all parents think so, but she is. She was so bored in grade one, they moved her into grade two. When they assessed her here, they wanted to put her in grade four, but I asked to let her stay in three. I don’t want her ostracized because of being younger or made fun of. We do a lot of learning stuff together so she doesn’t get bored. Maybe when she is a bit older, I’ll let them push her ahead. But right now, I want her to be a kid, you know?” He smiled ruefully. “She’s already growing too fast.”

I thought he was smart with his decision, and I told him so. He seemed pleased.

When he accidentally kissed me in my apartment, I couldn’t resist kissing him back. I wasn’t prepared for his reaction or the depth and passion of his actions. I had never been kissed like that in my life. Carnal, deep, and commanding. The feel of his hard torso pressed against me, the evidence of his desire growing and swelling. His taste and his scent. The low groans of approval in his throat as he tugged me closer. I wanted to run my hands under his shirt. Feel his skin, have him kiss me even deeper, touch me, and let him know how wet he made me with just his kiss.

He was right to stop, but I knew we both teetered on the edge of not caring and giving in. His request for a date was pleasing, and I was looking forward to Friday night. To dinner with him. More of his laughter and teasing. More of his touches.

And, I hoped, more of his kisses.



Walking into Evan and Holly’s house was like walking into a real home. You could sense the love that saturated the air. Pictures of them and their family were everywhere. Mementos of their travels. Little shoes and jackets hung up on pegs by the door. A wedding picture of them smiling widely at each other showed their happiness.

Dinner was cooking, the aroma mouthwatering. Evan was laughing and talking to one or more of the kids. I heard the sound of my daughter’s amusement and knew she was wherever Uncle E was. They were very close.

I followed the sounds to the kitchen, chuckling at the sight that met my eyes. Holly and the girls were making cookies, the dough in misshapen balls on cookie sheets. The girls were wearing aprons but were still covered in flour and sugar. Evan was sitting at the table, encouraging the baking, teasing and egging them on.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024