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An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark)

Page 17

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“Thanks, I needed a break.”

I looked at the piece he was working on. “Beautiful,” I offered as I ran my hand over the silken wooden top.

“It will be. My customer found it in a barn under some blankets covered in hay. I had to let it air a little and fix the warping. Now is the fun part. So much trim to fix and replicate. I’m trying to save as much as possible.”

We sipped our coffee in silence for a moment. “I thought Holly would keep you inside to hear all about your date,” he said finally.

I shook my head.

“Didn’t go well?”

“It was great. Amy is lovely.” I took a sip of coffee. “I just can’t move too fast, you know?”

“I get that, but I thought you’d look happier.”

I scrubbed my face. “It’s complicated, Evan.”

Holly walked in, carrying a plate with coffee cake on it. “How complicated?”

I met her unwavering gaze. I should have known she wouldn’t accept my silence as a deterrent.

“Look, we had a great time. Amy is awesome.”

“But?” she questioned.

“But what?” I countered, not wanting to have this conversation with her.

“Did you sleep with her?” she asked.

I sputtered into my coffee. “Kinda personal, Holly,” I said dryly.

“Did you?”

I didn’t respond.

“So, you slept with her, and that’s it?” She frowned. “I’m a little shocked at your behavior, Simon. I didn’t think you were a love them and leave them kind of guy.”

“I have to take it slow for Mia. That’s all.”

“And, of course, you explained that to Amy. So she understood. You didn’t leave her feeling as if she’d been used and discarded.”

I felt the back of my neck break into a sweat.

“I think that’s between Amy and me,” I muttered.

She slammed her hands onto her hips. “She is my friend. My best friend. If I had thought you were going to use her, I never would have encouraged her to go out with you.”

“I didn’t use her.” I ran a hand over my eyes. “Holly, it’s complicated. I like Amy. I like her a lot. But I have to take it slow for Mia. For me. Last time I tried this, I got my heart stomped on.”

Her face softened. “Amy is nothing like Kelsey.”

“I know. But I have to handle this my own way.” I sighed. “I need to talk to Amy and clear the air. I didn’t handle everything the way I should. I panicked,” I admitted.


I met her eyes. “Because I really liked her. And it scared me.”

She stepped forward. “Sometimes in life, you have to take that chance, Simon. Evan did with me. I did with him. I knew him a few days and moved across the country with him and started a new life.”

“You two are different. Special. What you have is rare, not the norm.”

She smiled and cupped my face. “You deserve rare too, Simon. Trust your instincts this time. I know Amy. I know her heart. You’re safe with her. What happened last time will not be repeated.”

I thought about the night before. Amy’s open ways. Her directness and teasing. How she made me feel. How right she felt in my arms. My bed. The way it made me smile simply to lie beside her and talk.

I shut my eyes with a groan. “I think I fucked it up.”

“I’m sure you did,” Holly agreed with a nod. “So figure it out and unfuck it.” She strolled over to Evan and kissed him. He grinned at her, dropping another kiss to her head and whispering something in her ear that made her smile. She left, and I picked up a piece of coffee cake, biting and chewing. I met Evan’s amused eyes.

“Thanks for the backup, asshole,” I muttered.

He shrugged. “She’s right, Simon. I know Amy. What you see is what you get. There is no hidden agenda. She is as far from being like Kelsey as you can get. If you like her, and it’s obvious you do, you need to fix this and fast.”


He cut me off. “Stop using Mia as an excuse. She is a smart, loving kid. You bring Amy around, Mia will know she’s special.” He shook his head. “She wants that, you know. A mom.”

I gaped at him. “What?”

“She talks to me about this stuff. To me and to Holly. She wants a family. A little brother or sister, although she’d prefer the sister. She wants a mom for her and someone for you. She knows you’re lonely. My niece is pretty smart. She knows you want that too.”

I was flabbergasted. Mia never said a word to me about any of this. At my confused look, Evan smiled. “She’s older than her years, Simon. You know that. She doesn’t want to upset you, so she keeps it to herself.”

He reached over and clapped me on the shoulder. “Figure this out. If Mia weren’t in the picture, tell me, would you be here talking to me in my shop or still at home with Amy in your bed?”

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