An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark) - Page 23

“Oops,” I mumbled against his mouth.

“Oops, indeed. Caught kissing my woman by my daughter in broad daylight before the date has even started.”

I stepped back. “For shame, sir.”

He grinned. “I’d call it worth it.” He linked our hands. “Come inside. Prepare to be Mia-fied.”

I allowed him to lead me. I liked how my hand felt held tight in his.

As if it belonged there.

* * *

The house smelled incredible. The table was set, and Mia was excited. She tugged my hand, and I followed her around as she showed me the house. Simon strolled behind us, making the occasional comment.

“This is Daddy’s office. He plays on the computer all day.”

“Yep,” he said with a dry laugh. “Me and FreeCell all day.”

“You should try Toon Blast or something. Branch out,” I teased.

“Good advice.”

I saw the family room, the guest rooms, had a long tour of Mia’s room, including her beloved bookshelves and toys. It was a girlie room with lots of pink and lace. Stuffed animals were stacked in the corners. A small table was set up by the window. It held a large cup of coloring pencils and a stack of paper. Pretty curtains fluttered in the breeze.

“Holly helped with the room,” Simon muttered.

“It’s perfect.”

The tour ended as we passed the door at the end of the hall. Simon’s room. Mia waved her hand. “Daddy sleeps there.” She skipped ahead. “It’s boring.”

Simon leaned close, his breath hot on my neck. “Not all the time. Not when you’re in there with me.”

I had to swallow at the sudden dryness in my throat. He chuckled.

I followed Mia back to the kitchen. I slipped onto one of the barstools and accepted the glass of wine Simon slid my way. He removed the bubbling lasagna from the oven and put the garlic bread in to heat. Mia sat beside me, chatting. She talked about her cousins and Holly, excited about the fact that I knew them. She talked about her uncle E, her affection for him evident.

“He sent me presents every year since I was born. I only met him a few months ago, but I love him.”

“Evan is a special man,” I agreed.

She nodded. “His sister is my mom, but she doesn’t like us. I don’t know her, and that’s okay. Daddy explained she doesn’t like anyone very much—even herself, which is sad. I like me. Daddy likes me. We have our own family. Do you have a family, Ms. McNeil?”

Her words make my chest ache. She stated them so matter-of-factly. But I smiled at her.

“I think outside school, you can call me Amy, okay?”

She nodded.

“My parents live in Halifax, where I grew up.”

“Do you have sisters or brothers?”

“One brother.”

“Does he have kids?”

“No. Not yet.”

“I want a brother or a sister. Maybe both. But Daddy says we have to wait.”

I met Simon’s eyes across the room where he was leaning against the counter watching us.

“Wait?” I replied.

She nodded. “We have to have a Mommy to have babies. Do you want babies, Amy?”

Simon cleared his throat. “Mia, that’s personal.”

“I’m just asking, Daddy.”

“I would like children, yes,” I replied.

“Do you like little girls?” she asked.

I realized she was interviewing me in her own way. Her eyes reminded me of Simon’s. Anxious, waiting for my reply.

“I love little girls,” I assured her.

“Daddy says I’m smart and well-behaved.”

“Most of the time,” Simon interjected.

“None of us is perfect,” I replied. Then I looked down at Mia. “I agree with your daddy. You are smart. And I like you, Mia.”

She beamed. “I like you too.” She jumped off her stool. “I’m going to wash my hands for supper.”

She rushed off, and Simon leaned on the counter. “I think you passed,” he said dryly. “Sorry.”

I shook my head. “Don’t be. She can ask me things. It’s fine.”

“You’re good with her.”

“I like kids. I love talking to them and hearing their thoughts. Their process fascinates me.”

He leaned closer. “You fascinate me.”

I picked up my wine. “Stop it.”

“I mean it.”

Mia reappeared, skidding to a halt. “Daddy, why are you so close to Amy? Are you trying to kiss her again?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied. “She was talking really quietly, so I had to lean close to listen.”


The timer rang on the oven, and Simon winked. “Saved by the bell. Dinner is ready, my ladies. Go sit down, and I’ll bring it in.”

* * *

I curled up on the sofa, waiting for Simon. Dinner had been delicious. Simon made a great lasagna, and I made sure to admire the layers Mia helped with. The garlic bread was soft and the cake a huge success. It felt oddly intimate sitting in the dining room with them, listening to their conversations and laughter, joining in when I could. It felt like being part of a family. After dinner, I helped clean up, and then Simon ran a bath for Mia and she asked if I would read to her. I picked a book and sat at the little table with the book open on it. Simon sat beside her on the bed, and she laid her head on his lap as she listened, falling asleep surprisingly fast. Before climbing into bed, she had stopped by the table.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024