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An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark)

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Holly's hands were so gentle; they touched me with such tenderness, I wanted to weep. The way she stroked my torso, played with my nipples, touched my face. Her mouth was talented and warm, her lips an artist’s brush that painted my body like a canvas with bold strokes and delicate arches. I groaned and hissed my pleasure as she explored me.

Nothing was rushed or hurried. There was no screaming or wild thrashing. There was only a deep, abiding passion between us I had never experienced with anyone else.

Slowly, sensually, we shed our clothes, kissing and touching as each new piece of skin was uncovered. Our voices murmured and encouraged, whispering adoration and sweet promises. I caressed her curves, loving how she felt under my touch—supple and perfect. Her skin was warm, silky, and tasted sweet under my tongue. I discovered all her secrets, her ticklish right side I teased mercilessly, the small scar on her thigh I kissed tenderly. I learned the dip of her waist. The rightness of her rounded hips. The beautiful fullness of her breasts. I thrilled at how she whimpered as I kissed the juncture at the base of her neck, teasing it with my tongue. Moaned when I sucked on her nipples.

Our mouths locked together, our bodies in flawless sync. Being buried inside her was nothing short of perfection. Her warmth grounded me, her sighs filled my head, and feeling her coming around my cock, as I moved and rocked above her, was ecstasy in itself. She held me close as I stilled, a low, heavy groan escaping my throat, my own orgasm so powerful, there was only one word I was able to utter, the most important one in the world at the moment.


Wrapped up in her arms afterward was like coming home. She was so right curled around me. I had never experienced contentment before or this odd feeling of happiness. Both were foreign and both were abundant, coursing through my body and leaving me filled with wonder at all the emotions she seemed to bring out in me.

I looked down at Holly, the source of those strange feelings. Her cheeks were flushed in the dim light, her eyelashes resting on them as she relaxed against me. I could feel her stuttering breaths against my neck as her body softened. I knew my breathing was still erratic. Slowly, we relaxed and calmed, still wrapped around each other. I nuzzled the top of her head, smiling as she tilted back her head, looking shy as she gazed up at me.


I kissed her full mouth. "Hi," I whispered against her lips.

"That was—" She bit her lip. "Wow." She grinned.

Now it was my turn to feel shy. I knew I wasn't the most experienced lover. It had certainly been the most intense experience I’d ever had. "Yeah? It was, ah, good for you?"

She pursed her lips. "Well, now that you mention it—"

"Um," I stammered.

She pressed closer, flinging her leg over my hip and cupping my ass. "Maybe we should try again, just to be sure?"

A slow grin broke out on my face. "To be sure of…?"

"That it was as beautiful as I think it was."

My heart soared. I rolled, hovering over her, already hardening and wanting her. "Yes. We need to make sure of that."



My cell phone rang from Holly's bedside table the next morning. She'd plugged it in for me the night before so Tom could reach me. I blinked in the bright morning light. We'd been up most of the brief night, only dozing, talking, and sharing long, lingering kisses. We'd made love again, and even now as I watched her lean over to grab the phone, I could feel myself stirring with desire for her. She handed me the phone, and I cupped her head, bringing her close for another kiss before answering it.

Tom's booming voice told me he found the problem and, luckily, was able to get the parts he needed. My car would be ready by noon. I thanked him and hung up, feeling an odd pull in my chest. I should be grateful I could get back on the road today, yet I felt only sadness that I would be able to leave in a few hours.

Holly kissed me, her voice quiet. "What time?"


"I can drop you there before I go to work."

"What time do you work until?"

"Only six today. The diner closes early since it’s Christmas Eve."

"Holly—" I wanted to say something. What, I had no idea, but something.

She shook her head, her voice beseeching. "Don't."

> My head fell back on the pillow, my eyes shutting against the burn I felt behind them. I pulled her close, breathing in the scent of her hair. She smelled like sun and flowers. Lovely. "I have so much to say."

"This was a stop in your life, Evan. A detour. Maybe one you needed, to be able to find your life. But you have to keep going. I don't expect anything." Her voice lowered. "Last night was so wonderful. I’ll treasure it and the thought of you always. I'm glad you found my diner."

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