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An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark)

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Carol paused beside my chair. "When you're ready to talk, I'm here."

Dan tugged on her arm. "Leave him alone, for heaven's sake."

She shook her head. "Stubborn fool."

I watched them walk out, not moving from the sofa.

Was she talking about Dan or me?



My dreams were filled with soft blue eyes that were warm and kind. They looked at me with so much emotion, yet every time I reached for the person attached to them, they disappeared. I woke up in the late afternoon, unrefreshed and moody. I walked around the house, unable to settle.

The quiet and solitude I always enjoyed now seemed to be mocking me. The silence echoed in the house. Over and again, my eyes strayed to the wings on the mantle. Memories of my time with her played in my head.


Her laugh.

The way she cared for me.

The sadness and fear she tried so hard to hide.

I thought of how I felt being with her.

The incredible sensation of making love to her.

How she made me feel about myself—not weak and lost. Unwanted.

Strong. Needed.


I shook my head. I was being ridiculous. People didn't fall in love in a day.

Yet, I couldn't deny the longing I felt for her.

I glanced at my phone and picked it up. I hadn’t texted her aside from the one I’d sent after arriving at my parents’. She hadn’t texted me again—nor had I expected her to. But I wanted her to know I was home in case she worried.

Holly, I am back home. Things went as badly as expected. Just thought you'd want to know.

A few moments later, my phone beeped.

I’m so sorry. You deserve so much better. You tried. I am proud of you—now make your own life and be happy for you.

Be happy.

I thought I was happy before I met her.

Now I wasn't sure.

I rubbed my eyes. I wasn't sure about anything anymore.

Watching my friends open the gifts I had chosen was a far different experience than I’d had at my parents'. Their expressions of delight were a direct contrast to the tight-lipped scorn the gifts I had given my family had drawn.

Carol's reaction to the lovely blown glass vase was effusive, and Tara squealed in delight over the earrings Holly had picked out after I tried to describe her “style” as best I could. Dan was thrilled with the prints I had selected for his office, and Andrew already had plans for a fishing trip for us to use the lures I had found.

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