An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark) - Page 29

My mouth covered hers.

I was home.

Waking up to Holly the next morning was as amazing as I thought it would be. Nestled in my arms, her head on my shoulder, she slumbered with a smile on her face. I lay still, watching her for a moment, filled with wonder that I would no longer wake up alone. My days wouldn’t be permeated by the sound of silence, and my nights an endless repeat of emptiness.

Holly would be there with me.

Unable to resist, I leaned down, slipping my fingers under her chin and nuzzling her full lips. She blinked awake, her smile growing against my mouth.

“Hi,” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep.

“Sorry, I had to kiss you. You were making me happy.”

“By sleeping?”

I chuckled. “By sleeping beside me. I realized I get to keep you.” My voice caught. “I won’t be alone anymore.”

She snuggled closer, running her fingers through my hair. “Never again. Neither of us will be.”

Our gaze met and held, our future bright and filled with love.

I slid my hand down her back, curving it over the swell of her ass, tugging her closer. “I think we should celebrate.”

She whimpered at the feel of my hard cock pressing against her softness. She lifted her leg over my hip, arching her back so I settled into her heat. “Yes, Evan. We should.”

I groaned at the feel of her. “You are so perfect,” I whispered.

“We’re perfect together.”

I rolled her over, hovering above her. I ga

zed down at her sweet face. Her wild hair curled around her cheeks, and her lovely eyes were filled with love as she returned my stare. I slid inside her, dropping my head to her neck at the rightness of feeling her warmth wrapped around me. I began to move, my need for her overtaking everything else.

“Yes, we are.”



Over coffee, we planned our day and the trip ahead. I frowned as I studied the weather. “We need to leave today to beat the storm heading this way, Holly. Either that or wait a few days.”

She wrapped her hand around her mug. “All I need is a couple of hours. I have to call John and resign from the diner. I already texted Connie, and she has another friend who is going to move in next week. Leslie and Tom will be here in an hour with some boxes and tape.” She shrugged. “I don’t have a lot to pack.”

Her voice held a strange tone, and I realized she sounded almost embarrassed. “Hey,” I called softly. “I told you we’ll build our own memories.”

She nodded. “There are a few boxes in the garage that were my parents’. I would like to take them if that’s okay. And my sketchbooks.”

“Holly,” I started, waiting until she met my eyes before continuing. “You can bring anything you want. I’d rent a trailer if I had to, or ship everything if you wanted to bring this whole damn house.”

A smile curled her lips, and the sadness faded from her eyes. “No shipping needed.”

“Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” I asked, my heart in my throat. “We can stay, or I can head back and you can follow when you’re ready,” I offered, hating the idea of leaving her at all. “This is sudden, and I don’t want to rush you.”

The frantic shaking of her head made me relax. She didn’t want me to go without her. “No! I want to go with you. I’m just—won’t your friends think it’s odd when we arrive and I have, like, two suitcases, a cat, and a few boxes? Maybe they’ll think I’m after your money.”

I burst out laughing and leaned over to kiss her. Then I had to kiss her again. “Silly girl. When I arrived in Nova Scotia, I had a backpack. Your things don’t make you the person you are. Your heart does. I already know you, Holly. I see your soul. It matches mine, and my money has nothing to do with it.” I winked. “In fact, we can split the gas money.”

“Good idea,” she nodded sagely. “I don’t think the bank is open today, but we can stop by the ATM and—”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024