An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark) - Page 41

I glanced at Holly, unsure how to respond.


She smiled in understanding. “We saw Mrs. Anderson in town earlier,” she explained. “Angela will be in prekindergarten in September.”

I swallowed. Prekindergarten? Where the hell had the time gone? It was only yesterday Angela was a baby in my arms—and now school?

“Already?” I croaked.

Holly patted my arm. “Just part days, Daddy.”

“We still get to keep Hannah,” I insisted, tightening my arms around my baby girl.

Holly laughed, her head tilted back in amusement. “We get to keep them both. It’s just a few hours during the day.” She met my gaze, her eyes twinkling. “It’s part of growing up, Evan.”

Angela bounced from her spot on the blanket. “I’ll get to spend time with my friends, Daddy. Carly is going too! I can teach you stuff when I get home!”

Carly was Angela’s best friend, and I knew she was excited. Still, I had to force a smile. “That’ll be awesome.”

Angela jumped up. “Chutes and Ladders time!”

I pushed away my plate, my appetite suddenly gone. “Okay, Angel-girl. Get the board.”

The wind rattled the glass again, and I looked up from where I was lying on the blanket. The sky was ominous and just as I was about to suggest we head to the house, the skies opened up and rain began to pour.

“Well, I guess we’re stuck here,” I mused.

“Not a bad place to be stuck,” Holly responded. “Besides, the girls are down for the count.”

I smirked. Hannah was a sleeping ball of warmth beside me, and Angela was sprawled across the blankets, having whooped my ass in three straight games. Hannah was too young to play, but she liked to move pieces around the board and, on occasion, attempt to eat them, so Holly had kept her busy, reading out loud to her while we played. Then both girls flaked out, full of lunch and happy.

“How is it possible to even think about school, Holly?” I asked. “Where the hell has the time gone?”

“This is really upsetting you,” she murmured. “Why?”

“I’m not ready for them to grow up.”

“But they are, Daddy,” she protested. “School or not. Every day, they get bigger and more independent. And they are awesome little girls. Think how much more awesome they’ll be once they get older.”

I sighed. “As I get older, you mean.”

“Well, there is that.”

“They make me feel young now. As babies. I like how they need me,” I admitted.

Holly offered me her hand, and I took it, tugging gently so she shifted closer. “They’ll always need you, Evan.” She smiled in understanding. “You’re their nucleus, and they revolve around you. But they have to grow, and it’s our job to help them.” She cupped my cheek, her touch tender. “They love you more than anything or anyone in this world. They always will.” She winked. “So will I.”

I leaned forward and kissed her. “That goes both ways, Holly. They and I love you equally as much.”

“I know. But you’re Daddy. And they are your girls. That’s special.”

I ran my hand over Hannah’s back. She huffed out a little sigh of contentment and snuggled closer. I smiled at her sweet little face.

“The house will seem empty,” I mused. “Angela is always running around with Hannah trailing behind her. She’s going to miss her big sister terribly.” I sighed. “I’ll miss her terri


“I’m sure there will be other, ah, distractions for both of you.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024