An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark) - Page 46

“Daddy, please?” Mia asked. “I want to stay with Uncle E.”

I chuckled at her name for me. “Stay,” I urged.

He nodded. “We’d love to.”

A Few Weeks Later

I groaned as we shifted the heavy desk I was working on into place. I stood back, rubbing the back of my neck.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” I muttered.

Simon laughed, dusting off his hands. “I hit forty-two this year. Talk to me about old.”

I chuckled.

Over the past few weeks, Simon and I had grown close. He and Mia seemed to fit into our life effortlessly. Dan and Carol were crazy for Mia and liked Simon a lot. Andrew, Simon, and I went fishing. Tara spent time with Holly and Mia and our children. We had barbeques and lunches on the beach. Went out on the boat I had bought and explored the island. The kids all played together, Mia assuming the role of eldest sister and doting on the others. My children loved her.

Simon spent a lot of time with me in the shop, and Mia stayed close to Holly, enjoying her company. Mia and I took long walks, and we talked about a lot of things. Simon was right. She was smart, sweet, and sensitive, and I adored her. I was going to miss her like crazy—so was Holly.

We were all going to miss them.

Simon leaned back against my workbench. “So, Evan, I need to talk to you.”

“What’s up?” I asked, concerned at his serious tone.

“Mia doesn’t want to go back to Ontario.”

I sighed, wiping the sweat off my brow. “She told me that, but she’ll adjust again. Holidays are always hard when they come to an end.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “What if it didn’t? End, I mean?”

“What are you talking about?”

He sighed, looking over my shoulder. “I love it here, to be honest. The quiet. The people. Our family.” He stood straighter. “I’m thinking of moving us here.”

“Holy shit—that’s a major decision. What about your business?”

He shrugged. “What I do, I can do anywhere. I can set up an office here easily. From home, even. Yesterday when you and Mia were hanging together, I did some checking. I saw a house I liked. There’s a great school close by, Mia could transfer. Aside from me, you and Holly are all the family she has, and she adores you and her cousins. I’ve never seen her so happy or settled, and I want that to continue. I think it would be good for us—a fresh start. We haven’t been happy for a while, and I think the change would do us a world of good.”

I didn’t hesitate. “Then do it.”

“I have to go back and arrange things. I was wondering how you would feel about Mia staying here with you while I did? I’d be back in a couple weeks and have to go back and forth for a bit…”

“We’d love it.” I didn’t have to ask Holly—I already knew her answer. She had cried last night at the thought of them leaving. She’d be ecstatic. “Have you talked to Mia?”

He smirked. “It was her idea. She said she loved it here and wanted to stay.” He grinned, unashamed. “The house I looked at is only ten minutes away.”

“You already put in an offer, didn’t you?”


I clapped him on the shoulder. “This is great news. Let’s go tell Holly.”

Later that night, Holly curled into me, her face excited. “I can’t believe they’re moving here! Angela, Hannah, and Brandon will have their cousin close by. We’ll get to see her whenever we want.”

I cupped her cheek, stroking her face. “I know. Mia is so excited.”

“How about you?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024