An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark) - Page 3

“Not what?” I snatched my bud from his fingers—his long, incredibly sexy fingers.

“A stalker or a serial killer. Even a mobster.”

“I see.”

“I’m a nice guy.”

“You’re annoying.”

“Only because you insist on ignoring me. You make me notice you, then you blow me off.”

I felt the flare of anger. “Listen, buddy. I didn’t try to get your attention. I didn’t even notice you. I was helping someone—that’s all.”

He laid a hand over his heart in mock indignation. “You didn’t notice me? I saw you the instant you came around the corner. When you whistled, I took it as a sign.”

“Well, take this as a sign. Have a nice night.” I turned my back to him and slid my buds into my ears. I hit play blindly, letting the music drown out all the other noise—including him. He was an arrogant ass—good-looking, but insufferable.

A moment later, his phone appeared in front of me. On the screen was a kitten, its paws together as if begging. Forgive me, the caption read.

Damn it. A kitten? This guy was good.

I turned around, noticing he was even closer—right beside me. I yanked out my buds. “Ever heard of personal space?”

“Yes. But you smell good. Really good.”

I resisted the urge to tell him he did too. Instead, I shook my head in exasperation. “Persistent as well, I see.”

“Is that worse than being a serial killer?”

“Right now, yes.”

“I think I’ve figured out how to get you to have dinner with me.”

“Is that right? Fast thinker.”

He nodded, tapping his forehead. “It’s a three-step plan.”

“I see.”

He held up a finger. “One, to get you to talk to me again. I’ve accomplished that. Two, introduce myself so we’re no longer strangers. Then we move on to number three and head to dinner.”

I shook my head, trying not to laugh. He was impossible—and getting more impossible to resist. Every time he smiled, his dimples popped. His eyes crinkled. His expression turned mischievous. He was very sexy.

He held out his hand. “I’m Mitchell. Mitchell Emerson.”

With a slight sigh of resignation, I slid my hand into his. His long fingers curled around my palm, strong yet gentle.

“Amanda Clifford.”

“Lovely to meet you, Amanda. Do your friends call you Mandy?”


“Great. Now, Mandy, how about dinner?”

“Are you always this persistent?”

“When I want something, yes.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024