An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark) - Page 5

“It’s at least worth checking out.”

He leaned forward, g

rinning. “I guarantee you’ll be satisfied.”

“Is that so?”

“Is that a yes?”

I gave in. I was hungry, and dinner with a companion sounded nice. “Yes.”

“Can you recommend a good restaurant?” he asked. “I only moved here a few days ago, and I don’t know many places.”

I thought about it for a moment. “There’s an Italian place just down the street.”

“I love pasta.”

“Me too.” I did, and the restaurant was within walking distance. If things went south, I was still close to the bus stop and it was in an area I was familiar with.

He stood and held out his hand. “You just made my night, Mandy.”

I allowed him to pull me from the bench.

I had a feeling he might have just made mine too.

* * *

The streets were busy, people rushing to get to dinner, the theater, or one of the various other events happening in the city on a Friday night. Mitch stayed close, his hand hovering over the small of my back, as we headed toward the restaurant. When I was jostled a couple of times, he cursed low in his throat. Sliding his arm around my waist, he drew me into his side. I gazed up at him, arching one eyebrow.

“To keep you safe,” he said to my unspoken question.

I didn’t argue or move away. Tucked beside him felt…right. His six-foot-plus frame towered over me. I was average height for a woman, but I felt small and safe beside him. His warmth sank into my skin, and every time he pulled me closer as a group passed us, I could smell his incredible scent. I was almost disappointed when we reached the restaurant and he released me.

Luckily, it was thinning out as people hurried to the next phase of their evening, and we were seated right away. I slid into the booth, trying not to grin as he stood, his gaze bouncing between the two sides of the table.

“I want to sit beside you.”

I slid closer to the wall. “Be my guest.”

“But I like to watch the expressions on your face when you talk. They captivate me.”

His words caught me off guard. I wasn’t used to the easy compliments he threw out. Yet, they seemed completely sincere.

He slid in opposite me. “Dinner here, dessert there.”

“What if we don’t make it to dessert?” I teased.

“Then I’ll move to the bar and drown my sorrows.”

“Isn’t that a little overboard? We just met.”

He reached across the table and clasped my hand. Turning it over, he traced the veins on the thin skin of my wrist gently. His touch made me shiver. He met my inquisitive gaze. “I think our meeting is going to prove to be a significant moment in my life.”

My breath caught in my throat. Our eyes met and held. Sincerity blazed from the depths of ocean blue staring into my startled gaze.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I had no idea how to respond to such a profound statement.

Mitch bent low and lifted my hand to his mouth. He pressed a soft, lingering kiss to the skin.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024