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An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark)

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And neither was happening.

Chapter Five



I glanced up from the plans I was sorting and filing, forcing a smile to my face. “Hello, Michelle.”

“Come with me.”

I followed her, worry making me nervous. In her office, she sat, pursing her lips as she studied me. “I have a new assignment for you. Something different.”

I relaxed. She hadn’t found out. A new assignment I could handle.

Her next words blew that theory out of the water.

“You are going to be assisting Mr. Mack…I mean Mr. Mitchell.” She allowed herself a smile. “I don’t know how I mixed up his name, but I keep referring to him incorrectly. Nevertheless, he requires some help with his scheduling and office. He has agreed to your being assigned to him.”

A slow burn started in my chest. I bet he did.

“Why me?” I asked through tight lips. What had he done?

“One of the partners suggested you. Ben Wilson told him you were invaluable last month when his PA was off ill.”


She tilted her head. “Are you not interested? It comes with a pay increase and added benefits.” She named a figure.

I had to weigh my options quickly. More money meant I could leave there sooner. Go to teacher’s college. I could apply right away. If I said no, it would raise suspicion. She was already looking at me as if sensing something was off. I should be jumping at the chance, not hesitating.

But could I work with Mitch? Knowing I was going to see him, talk to him, have to face him every day? Was that part of his plan?

Michelle’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Is there a problem, Amanda?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Just an unexpected opportunity. Of course I’ll help Mitch.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Mr. Mitchell.”

“Oh, of-of course. Slip of the tongue.”

She stood. “Don’t let him catch you calling him by his first name. He is very particular about that. It’s Mitchell if he allows you to be personal - not Mackenzie. Odd I know, but that is what he prefers.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

* * *

Michelle knocked on Mitch’s partially open door and walked in, with me trailing behind her.

“Mitchell, this is Amanda Clifford, your new PA.”

He stood, rounding the desk. He held out his hand. “Amanda. What a pleasure to meet you.” He folded his hand over mine, his grip too tight and too long to be professional. “May I call you Mandy?”

I glared at him, tugging back my hand. “I prefer Amanda.”

He tilted his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “Funny, you look like a Mandy to me.”

“You look like a Mac. But I understand you prefer Mitchell.”

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