An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark) - Page 27

I smiled through my tears.

“So, Amanda Clifford, with the sexy legs and wickedly talented mouth that can whistle like nobody’s business…among other things.” He paused with a sly grin, “Are you ready to come work for me, be my girlfriend, and let me kiss that gifted mouth of yours any time I want?”

“Is that considered a benefit?”


“Is it a term contract?”

He shook his head. “Perpetual.”

“Okay, then.”

“Yeah?” The dimples I loved popped. His smile was huge, but it was the expression in his eyes that struck me. Earnest, yearning, and determined. I knew, at that moment, I was making the right decision.

“I accept.”

He leaned down and kissed me. “Thank you, sweetheart, for trusting me. I won’t let you down again. We’re going to make the best team—ever.”

And as I kissed him back, I knew he was right.


Step 1


I glanced around the empty space, trying to envision what Mitch had planned. The soaring ceilings, exposed beams, and skylights made the large square footage bright and open, but it was in such disrepair, I couldn’t see beyond the piles of discarded garbage, dust and cobwebs, and especially the cooing of the pigeons that had nested in the high beams.

Mitch came around the corner, beaming. “Well, sweetheart? What do you think?”

“Ah…” I hesitated. “It’s so…ah, dirty?”

He threw back his head in laughter and caught me in his arms. “It’s filthy. Disgusting, really.”

I pursed my lips. “And we like disgusting now?”

“No, but it works well for negotiations. I can see the potential here.” He turned me in his embrace, sweeping out his arm. “I’ll hire a company to come in and clean. Remove the critters and detox the place. Downstairs will be reception and offices. Work spaces. Up here is all mine.” He dropped a kiss to my neck, his lips warm on my skin. “Ours. I’ll create a beautiful space for you to work in beside me. The center will be a huge table—a living edge one—with space to meet clients or work at. My area will be along the back by those windows. Light,” he sighed in happiness. “So much light.”

I folded my hands over his, squeezing them affectionately. “Tell me more.”

“A kitchen over there so you can make me sandwiches. A private bathroom with a stand-up, multiheaded shower I can fuck you in. A big comfy sofa I can work on when I’m sketching and I can nap with you on when I need to recharge, a—”

My laugh cut him off. “This is supposed to be an office, Mitch. You’re planning a lot of personal stuff in here.”

He drew me closer. “I am. You’ll be with me, so it’s a given. This will be ours, Mandy. Our little empire. I won’t answer to anyone anymore, and you will never have to deal with the likes of Michelle again.”

I sighed as I leaned back into his chest. His chin rested on my shoulder as we both studied the empty shell of the building Mitch wanted to purchase and open his own company.

“I want to hire the best and brightest. Create a positive space where my architects and designers can thrive. Work with people equally as passionate as I am,” he mused. “And with you by my side, I can do that.”

I nodded, beginning to see his vision. Once cleaned and rebuilt to his specifications, the space would be amazing. Clean lines, modern touches, and his design would have clients flocking in. There were already phone calls and inquiries about the rumors of his new venture.

I thought back to the last year of our life.

Returning to Parson Planners as Mitch’s employee had been a nerve-racking, stressful time at first. Walking through the doors beside him, I felt the resentful stares and, over the next while, discovered the people who were real as opposed to the ones who were spiteful and catty. I heard the gossip and witnessed the way conversation would cease when I entered the kitchen to get Mitch one of his endless cups of coffee. I did my best to ignore it, although at times it overwhelmed me. A few women showed their merit by treating me no differently, even going so far as to nudge my shoulder and wish me a whispered congrats on snagging the hottie. When I realized they were teasing and genuinely happy for me, I was able to relax and concentrate on my job.

Mitch never faltered. The first day, he had stopped outside and turned to me, his usually teasing smile absent.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024