An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark) - Page 34

Sliding my hands up her legs, I gripped her hips, trying not to notice the way she was nestled right against my cock. Or the fact that he noticed it too and wanted her a little closer.

I met her worried gaze.

“Mandy, sweetheart, you are one of the most intelligent, organized women I have ever met. The way you run this office—run me—is nothing short of a miracle. You know me so well.” I pulled her face close to mine, leaning my forehead against hers. “How can you not know how much I need you with me as much as possible?”

“I rarely come with you on your trips.”

“Because they’re usually overnight, filled with meetings, and boring as shit. I know you hate to fly, and I don’t want you tense all the time. Knowing you’re here when I get back, the office is running smoothly, your beautiful smile is waiting for me, helps me so much. But, baby, I would never go away for a long period and not ask you to go with me.” I cupped her cheeks and made her meet my eyes. “Ever.”

“Yeah?” she questioned, worry in her gaze.

“Yeah. And when I said open another office, I meant using my name, hiring the best and overseeing it—mostly from here. There’s an architect in Sweden I’ve been in contact with. Young, brilliant—I think he’ll do great things. I would take some trips there, but with the technology we have, I am in the office there in seconds with the push of a button.” I stroked her cheek. “I didn’t plan on being gone without you for weeks at a time.”

She sighed, the sound low and quivering. That was exactly what she had thought.

“Baby, you know me better than that.”

“It’s just, you’ve been so busy, so in your element and…happy. I thought-I thought—” she shrugged “—I don’t know what I thought.”

“I am happy, but only because I love this place and I have you. Especially the fact that I have you. You first, remember?”

Tears filled her eyes and I kissed them away. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I made you doubt that. I’ve been taking you for granted, haven’t I?”

“No.” She shook her head, but I silenced her.

“I have. You’re so amazing, and I forget to tell you that. But I’ll do better. I know you trust Lauren—do you think she could oversee the office if we were both gone on occasion?”

“I think so. The rest of the office is a breeze compared to running you.”

With a chuckle, I kissed her. “Then you can come with me when I head over to Sweden. Any trip over three days, you come with me.”

She fiddled with my tie. “Anything over a week.” She met my surprised gaze. “You do a lot of three-day trips.” Her eyes slid to the side, and a smile tugged on her lips. “I don’t mind the break.”

I burst out laughing. “Done.”

“You really want me with you?”

I slid my hand around the back of her neck. “I always want you with me, Mandy. I do better when you’re close. We’re a great team.”

“Is overseas step two of your plan?”


“What is step three?”

“Getting my business so successful, I can cut back, marry you, knock you up with lots of babies, and enjoy life with you.”

“Um, I think you’re already successful. I saw your bank account the other day. The number of zeros is frightening.”

“Then we can move to step three soon.” I pulled her face close. “In fact, maybe we should practice.”


“Right here. Right now.” I widened my legs so she slid down against me, the warmth of her pressing on my cock. “I want you to ride me on this sofa, Mandy.”

“Is that Mackenzie talking or Mitch?”

I grinned. “They’re both horny bastards in love with their assistant. So, whoever you want—he’s yours.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024