An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark) - Page 37

He held up his hand, cutting me off. “All been taken care of.” He smiled. “All the best.”

His last words confused me, but I crossed the office toward my desk. I realized how low the lights were and how quiet the building seemed. I glanced toward the clock with a frown. It was only just past five. Normally the office was buzzing until six—often well past. I slid the box onto my desk and set the bags on the floor. With a start, I saw Mitch standing at the center of the office, staring over the railing, seemingly lost in thought. He had changed, his navy suit hugging his shoulders, tailored and smart. It was my favorite.

“Mitch?” I called.

He turned with a smile, holding out his hand. “Hey, sweetheart, you’re back.”

Something in his voice made me tense. Mitch was always calm, confident, and sure. There was an edge to his tone—one I wasn’t used to hearing. I hurried toward him, letting him take my hand and pull me close.

“Are you all right?” I asked, concerned. I cupped his cheek. “Did you get some bad news on your project? What can I do to help?”

His eyes were warm and tender as he smiled at me. “Always worried about me, aren’t you, Mandy? Always wanting to help me.” He tilted his head. “It’s one of the things I love so much about you. The way you love me.” He inhaled, letting out a long, slow breath. “It’s the very best thing in the world. You make me so happy.” He pressed his lips to mine, his kiss slow and sweet.

“You make me happy too,” I murmured when he pulled back.


“Are you going to tell me why you sent me out all afternoon and why the office is deserted?”

“I wanted you alone.”

“We could have gone home and been alone.”

“No, I wanted you alone here.” He gestured to the wide expanse around us. “You were here when this was nothing but a dream. A plan.”

“A three-step one, I think.” I grinned.

“Yep. I’ve been working on another one.”

“I see. Care to fill me in?”

Still holding my hand, he turned back to the railing. “I had another working model hung. Tell me what you think. Personally, I think it is my best work ever.”

I looked at the various models, trying to find the new one and wondering where it came from. I knew all of them, their placement, and the history of each. I squinted and Mitch chuckled.

“Let me flip on the light,” he said, pushing the button on the column.

It only took me a moment to locate a new addition. It was almost right in front of me, but so small, I hadn’t noticed it right away. But once the light hit it, it was impossible not to see it—or to gasp.

Brilliant glimmers of light reflected all around me, radiating from the small box. My hand flew to my mouth, and I tried to hold back my shock. Mitch eased closer, his voice raspy.

“It’s my greatest three-step plan ever, don’t you think, Mandy?” He smiled. “I got you to fall in love with me, move in with me, and the final step is the rest of your life—spent with me.”

I stared at him through my tears. He leaned past me, easily plucking the ring from the tiny shelf it rested on. He sank to one knee, holding out the ring.

“Please,” he said quietly. “Be my wife.”

Four small words, said with so much love and humility, there was only one possible answer.


He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed it. I stared at the three, large, round diamonds, the gems perfect and clear. I flexed my fingers, the ring feeling heavy and strange, but right on my hand. I met his tender gaze.

“Three for all our steps, Mandy—past, present, and future. All equally the same size, because they are all equally important. Our past is what made us, us. Our present is what makes our life so amazing, and our future is bright, because we’ll be together.”

He slid his fingers under my chin and kissed me. His love and devotion filled that kiss.

“That’s why you got me out of the office,” I whispere

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024