Christmas Sugar (Insta-Spark) - Page 51

“It’s crazy.”

She kissed my cheek. “Love is.”

I grabbed her, hugging her hard. “I have to go. I have to figure out how to get to them.”

She drew back, her eyes dancing. “Roger will be at the airport tonight at eleven. All your gifts are already on the plane I chartered. A rental car is waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You’ll be there when they wake up Christmas morning.”


“George left a key in the flowerpot. All you have to do is wait.”


She grinned, an infectious I-know-you-better-than-you-know-yourself grin. “Let’s just say we covered all the bases . . . In case you finally took your snooty head out of your ass long enough to see what was right in front of you.”

The fact that two people, one practically a stranger, had discussed and planned this should have upset me. But it didn’t. Gratitude and love, the love I had for the woman who was so much like a mother to me, welled up, and I hugged her again. “Thank you, Arlene.”

“I’ll make certain the office is covered until you get back. I’ll help you close this one down.” She smirked. “I think you’ll have lots of help setting up the new one. A certain, well-organized innkeeper comes to mind for that job.”

I grinned back at her. “I think she’s going to be the one issuing the orders.”

She beamed at me. “That is exactly what you need.” She pointed to the door. “Go and find your life, Dylan.”

I kissed her cheek. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, my dear boy.”

THE ROADS WERE DESERTED AS I drove toward the Sleepy Moose Inn. Boxes and bags filled the minivan, and every time I looked in the rearview mirror, I chuckled. I felt like Santa Claus. I had laughed when Roger walked me out to pick up my rental car and I saw it was one of the dreaded minivans. I had a feeling Arlene had done that on purpose. I didn’t care. It held all my gifts, and it was getting me to where I belonged. On the front seat sat the almost empty container of “suga cookies.” I couldn’t stop eating them, and I really hoped Alex had more.

I pulled in the long, winding driveway, my heart rate picking up. I’d see Alex soon. Be able to feel her in my arms. Kiss Noelle’s sweet little face. Tease Seth.

Feel complete in a way I hadn’t since I’d left them behind.

The Christmas lights were on, glowing bright in the darkness. I parked the van in front of the door, surprised to see George in his wheelchair outside, puffing on one of his forbidden cigars, the smoke circling his head. A thick blanket draped over his legs, and he wore a heavy parka against the cold. I got out of the vehicle and walked toward him, extending my hand. He shook it, looking serious.


“George.” I smiled at him. “Are you enjoying a stolen cigar, or are you out here because you had another one of your feelings that I’d show up after your chat with Arlene?”

A huge grin broke out on his face, and his eyes crinkled, the wrinkles on his face prominent. “Wish I could say yes, but more like Mrs. Carson called me to tell me you were on your way.”

“The two of you know way too much about my personal life.”

He turned serious. “Before I let you in, I need to know what your intentions are, Dylan. I can’t let them be hurt again.”


“Alex may seem to be strong, but she hasn’t been the same since you left. Neither has my Noelle. Even Seth has been quiet. You had quite the impact on them.”

“As they did me. I haven’t been the same either,” I assured him.

“So, this is serious? Not just a visit?”

I slipped my hand into my pocket and withdrew the tiny box inside. I opened the case and held out the diamond ring I had brought with me. It had taken a lot of begging and favors to get my friend to meet me at his jewelry store on Christmas Eve so I could get it. As soon as I saw it in his backroom vault, I knew it was the one. Perfect for my Alex—simple, elegant, and symbolic. The three stones represented what they were to me—one for each of the people who had claimed my heart. I knew nothing about diamonds, but Garrett had assured me they were high quality and even sketched out a band that would go well with the setting. I liked how the light ca

ught the jewels, reflecting their brilliance. He had larger, fancier ones, but I knew Alex wouldn’t like them. But the one I chose . . . I knew she would love. If she forgave me and said yes.

“Is this serious enough for you, George? I’m here for them. All of them.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024