Christmas Sugar (Insta-Spark) - Page 57

She shrugged, not meeting my eyes. “Just in case.”

I tore open the flat package, grinning broadly at the framed photo. It was from the bluff, the ocean wild with the wind kicking up the waves and the sun shining down, making the swirling colors vivid.

“I took the picture in the summer. I thought you could hang it in your office as a reminder.”

Leaning over, I kissed her. “I love it.” I kissed her again, lowering my voice. “I love you.”

Noelle jumped up, clutching her singing cat, rushing to the elevator.

“Where is she going?”

Alex frowned. “I don’t know.”

She reappeared moments later, clutching a folded piece of cardboard. She stood in front of me, looking as serious as I’d ever seen my Little Owl.

“I made dis fo you.”

I unfolded the cardboard and stared at the homemade gift. It was messy and chaotic—and the best present I’d ever received.

My Christmas Wish, it read across the top, obviously in her caregiver’s hand. Underneath, my name, spelled out in pasta: DYLAN and Noelle’s crude, shaky rendition of my image, with curly macaroni for my hair, which made me grin. It suited me.

My tear-filled gaze flew to Alex’s. She was watching me, her own eyes filled with tears. I could feel Seth’s eyes on us, and I looked at Noelle.

“Thank you, Little Owl. It’s perfect. I’ll keep it forever.”

Her eyes grew round. “Fuhevah? You lub it?”

I pulled her onto my knee and dropped a kiss on her messy curls. “I do love it. And I love you. Fuhevah.”

She snuggled in with a happy sigh.

Mine echoed hers.

The mattress dipped beside me, and Alex’s warm body curved to mine.

“Hey,” she whispered.

I rolled over, pulling her to my chest. “What time is it?” I asked, still groggy.

“Almost two.”

“You shouldn’t have let me sleep so long.”

She rubbed my arm. “Dylan, you had a three-hour nap. You were up all night.”

I held her tighter. “I haven’t slept well since I left you.”

“Then I guess you have to stay.”

“I guess so.” I spoke quietly. “I’ll have to go back and forth for a while . . .”

“I know.”

I tilted up her face and kissed her. “But I’ll hurry back. I promise.”

“You better.”

“Maybe you could come with me for a couple of days? We can take the kids with us over break or something?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024