Christmas Sugar (Insta-Spark) - Page 59

from the Pinegrove community. They all met and greeted me welcomingly, shaking my hand, kissing my cheek, congratulating both of us. No one seemed surprised by our news, but pleased for Alex. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, and Noelle hardly left my side, her little hand tucked into mine or perched on my hip as I walked around. Alex had let me give her the owl necklace for her birthday. Her face had been filled with wonder and her breathy little “so pwetty” made my heart warm. She promised countless times to take the “bethest care” of it, so Alex let her wear it. She showed it to everyone, which made me grin every time.

Seth spent a lot of time in the corner with his girl, Cindy. She was shy and sweet and gazed at him with adoration written across her face. Still, often, when I would glance over, he was looking in my direction, as if to make sure I was still there. I realized we would all be checking on each other for a while. It was going to take all of us some time to be sure and to trust fully. I was determined to do everything I could to set all their fears to rest.

After a huge meal, two slices of Alex’s amazing pie, and more sugar cookies, I sat back, replete. I swore I had never tasted anything as good as Alex’s cooking. She sat beside me, holding a sleepy Noelle, and chatted to Adam. She had her free hand tucked into mine, and I gazed at the two most important women in my life with a lazy smile. Unable to resist, I stroked Noelle’s cheek and dropped a kiss onto Alex’s.

Beside me, George chuckled. “You have it bad, son.”

I tore my gaze away and turned to him. “I do.”

“What are your plans?”

“Marry her as fast as possible and start our life,” I stated with conviction.

He frowned.

I was confused. Surely, that was what he wanted?

“All well and good, Dylan. But where will you live? You’ll tear this place down in the spring, and I’m assuming you don’t want to stay in a guest room until that point.”

My brow furrowed. I hadn’t thought of that. All I had thought of was making Alex mine.

“Good point,” I mused.

Jodi leaned across the table. “I heard the McAllister place is going up for sale.”

George nodded. “So did I.”

The name rang a bell. “McAllister?”

“The Gables. It’s a family-run place about halfway between here and Halifax. Right on the ocean—great property.”

I recalled looking at it once. The reason the name rang a bell was that it was on my list of properties I was watching earlier in the year.

“Really,” I mused, my interest piqued.

“You know,” he said and winked, looking amused, “Alex used to work there in the summers when she was young. Loved the place. Her second-favorite spot to here. It has a spectacular view—not as amazing as the bluff, but pretty damn close.”

“Is that right?”

Jodi chuckled. “Fabulous house—they even recently did a bunch of upgrades. Huge family home and separate guest cottages. You could live in it and have a nice business at the same time on the side, if you wanted. For someone, you know, needing a place to live right away. I heard they wanted a fast sale—their daughter found out she is having triplets and needs them to be close.”

I had to laugh at the pair of them. “I’m onto the two of you. You’re about as subtle as a bat to the head.”

George shrugged, his eyes dancing. “I was just telling you. I happen to be having lunch with Doug day after tomorrow. At his place. In case, you know, you were interested in coming along and checking out the view.”

It wouldn’t hurt. I could look into the place, get information before it went up for sale if I was interested, and it would solve a problem I hadn’t thought of until now. A home for us while I had Alex’s dream house built. The fact that Alex had a fondness for the property was also a deciding factor. I wanted to give her everything. Make every dream she’d ever had come true.

I started to chuckle. I had a feeling I’d be buying more property before the new year.

“What time is lunch, George?”

Alex sighed, a muted little breath that drifted over my skin. I pulled her closer. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “Yesterday, I was trying to figure out how to get through the holidays, and today, you’re here, we’re engaged, and you told me you want to buy a place you’ve never seen for us to move to . . . and you want to get married right away.”

“So, you’re saying it’s too much.”

She tilted up her head, smiling at me. “It is a lot, Dylan.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024