Christmas Sugar (Insta-Spark) - Page 67

hyly, he informed me he would like the chance to work with me. The thought of him by my side, learning from me, had filled me with pride. With eyes for his Cindy alone, he was thrilled when she decided to follow him to Toronto to study nursing.

So, come the fall, he would be leaving us and starting a new life. Granted, he would have it far easier than most kids his age. I had never sold my condo, using in it when I was in town, so he and Cindy would be living there, and on occasion when I was in town, I would be their guest. I also insisted on paying for his tuition. He’d been through so much at a young age; I wanted to make it easy on him. Cindy’s parents struggled financially, and I slyly found a way of paying her tuition as well without insulting them. Both Alex and I adored Cindy and were sure, when the time was right, she would be part of our family too.

We were also both certain, given the love Seth had for the hustle and bustle of the big city, that he would remain there. I already envisioned him taking over my company one day, and then passing it on to his son or daughter.

Noelle tugged on my arm, bringing me back to the present. “Can we go find some shells today?”

I nuzzled her head. “Sure.”

“Will Mommy come with us?”

“Probably not. She’s pretty tired.”

“Maybe we can make her breakfast?”

I grinned. “Maybe lunch would be better.” Sandwiches, I was good at. Plus, Alex always had soup in the freezer, and I could reheat things really well. “Maybe Seth will be awake by then.”

She giggled, leaning back into my chest. “He likes to sleep.”

“That he does.”

Noelle tilted up her head. “Did you pick a house?” she asked, and for the first time, I noticed the lack of excitement in her voice. Alex was right about the whole thing. None of us wanted to move.

I brushed the wild hair back from her forehead and pressed a kiss to the soft skin. “Mommy and I decided we would rather stay here. Is that okay with you?”

Her face lit up, brighter than the sun bouncing off the waves out in the ocean. She bobbed her head, looking excited. “I love my room! And the beach is fun!”

“Good. Then this is where we’ll stay.”

“Can we make a nursery now?”

I thought of the room at the end of the hall Alex kept wandering into each day. She would lean against the wall and look around, but she had never said a word. She wanted that room as the nursery. She wanted our children in that bright room with the big windows. And I would make sure she had it.

I grinned down at my daughter. “Wanna go do some fun stuff with Daddy?”

She nodded.

“Okay. Go get dressed, and we’ll go see Jodi.”

She clapped her hands. She loved Jodi.


Alex was at the table when we got back, her hair damp from her shower. A cup of weak tea was in front of her—it was all she could stomach lately. She smiled at us as we walked in, our hands filled with bags.

“I wondered where the two of you were. I was sure you’d be down on the beach, but I checked and you weren’t there.”

I dropped a warm kiss on her upturned mouth, then sat beside her, resting my hands on her rounded stomach. “My Little Owl and I had things to do.”

She laughed. “I figured you’d be together. I just wasn’t sure where.”

“We had some things to pick up.”

“I see.”

“Is Seth in the land of the living yet?”

She nodded as she took a sip of her tea. “Cindy came and got him. They went into Halifax to look for some school stuff.” She sighed, a sad smile on her face. “I’m going to miss him.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024