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Devil's Redemption (Devil's Pawn Duet 2)

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“Oh my gosh!” I say, hurrying to them myself. I hug Ivy and the baby at once and she smiles when I pull back. “You came!”

“I thought it may be easier than getting you to my house and I really needed to get this one out,” she says, gesturing to the little girl.

“Your family is beautiful,” I say, taking them all in.

“Thank you. Elena, say hello,” she says, putting a hand to the little girl’s head.

Elena glances up at me, flashes a smile showing a perfect row of tiny, straight teeth. She turns back to Jericho who is crouched down beside her balancing about five books for her to choose from.

It’s so funny seeing him like this. He’s so different with kids. Like the pressure is off because they’re not so scared of him. Even though I’d think they would be given his size and gruff manner.

“That one used to be my little girl’s favorite,” he says when Elena chooses her book.

“I like the horses,” Elena says then holds the book back out to him when he straightens to put the others back. “Read it to me.”

“Elena,” Ivy says, putting a hand on the little girl’s shoulder. “I’m sure Mr. St. James is busy.”

“No, it’s fine,” Jericho says, clearly taken aback. “I have a few minutes.”

Elena smiles at her mom then turns to Jericho. She slips her hand into his and leads the way to the seat beneath the large window.

“Well, she’s always been a very confident little girl,” Ivy says with a proud smile.

“I think it’s great,” I say as I watch Jericho settle into the seat with the little girl tucking herself almost under his arm as he opens the book. “It’s so weird to see this side of him,” I tell Ivy just loud enough for her ears.

“Santiago is the same. It’s kind of amazing to see men like that with kids. They become big teddy bears.”

I chuckle and turn back to her. “And who are you?” I ask the little one in her arms.

He makes a gurgling sound and nudges his face against his mom’s neck.

“This is Santi, short of Santiago.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Santi,” I say as Ivy hands him over to me. I take the warm bundle into my arms and sniff the baby smell of his head when I cuddle him to me. “He’s so sweet.”

“Santi is a flirt,” Ivy says as the little boy reaches up to take a handful of my hair, that smile irresistible.

“He is.”

The study door opens then, and Catherine walks in with a tray of refreshments.

“Cookies!” Elena jumps up from her seat and rushes toward Catherine who smiles lovingly.

“I just baked these this morning. They’re Angelique’s favorite.”

“Who’s Angelique?” Elena asks as she chomps on a cookie.

“Please wait until you’re offered, Elena,” Ivy tells her.

Jericho comes over to us and hands Ivy the book. “She can have this if she likes. Angelique has outgrown it.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind. And I’m sorry about that,” Ivy tells him. “Thanks for reading to her but cookies always take priority.”

“I understand and it was a pleasure. She’s a sweet girl.”

“I’ll go get Angelique,” I say, checking my watch. “I’m sure Mrs. Strand won’t mind wrapping up her lessons a few minutes early.”

“I’m sure she won’t. Ivy, nice to see you. Say hello to your husband for me.”

“I will. It was nice to see you, too,” she pauses.

“Jericho,” he fills in.

“Jericho. Nice to see you again.”

Jericho leaves and Elena helps herself to a second cookie as Catherine pours her a glass of milk.

“Want to come with me to get Angelique?” I ask Ivy. “She’ll be so surprised to see the baby but I’m afraid if you’re out of sight, he’ll get upset.”

“Sure. I’d love that.”

“Catherine, we’ll just be a few minutes. Do you mind staying with Elena?”

“Not at all,” Catherine says and settles into the sofa.

Ivy and I walk out into the hallway and up the stairs with little Santi still in my arms.

“You seem more at ease,” Ivy says.

“I am. Things are better I guess.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

I stop at the top of the stairs and turn to her. “I’m seven weeks pregnant,” I tell her, my heart racing as I do. A pregnancy is happy news, but I haven’t told anyone. Not Megs, not anyone. And Julia, well, how Julia’s been about the pregnancy, I guess I didn’t realize how heavy the burden of it all has been. Not until this moment, this normal moment when I tell a friend what should be and is happy news. In a way, it feels like this joy I should be feeling has been stifled, stolen.

“Oh, Isabelle!” tears spring to her eyes. “That’s such wonderful news.”

I realize I’m teary too when she hugs me. I have to wipe my eyes. “We haven’t told anyone, and it was…unexpected.”

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