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Devil's Redemption (Devil's Pawn Duet 2)

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I nod. “You’re not off the hook though. You and I have a reckoning coming when I’m out of here.”

She flushes, lowers her gaze. Nods. “I know. I’m so sorry I didn’t trust you. I’m sorry you got hurt because of me. So many others got hurt because of me.”

“You weren’t holding the guns or the knife. That’s not on you. Julia was going to attack. It was just a matter of time. I’d backed her into a corner.”


“She used a poison to kill Carlton. She was possibly behind Christian’s death.”

“I know.”

“And who knows who else she’s hurt.”

“The miscarriages you mean?”

I nod. “Can’t prove that but it’s too coincidental. Four wives. Never a single child but hers. My guess is their affair had been going on for longer than we know. I wonder if she always had her sights on that inheritance.”

“I’m going to talk to her this afternoon.”

“Like hell you are. You’re going to do as you said and stay put. Your ass in that chair. Am I clear?”

“Jericho, I need to ask her—”

“Your ass in that chair. Am I fucking clear?”

She considers, opens her mouth but I cut her off.

“That reckoning I mentioned? You don’t want to add on to what I’m planning.”

She flushes red.

“We’re going to do things differently going forward, Isabelle. We’re going to trust each other. No more secrets. No more half-truths. No more space between us. You understand?”

She nods. “I like that very much.”

“Good. Because I like you very much. No. That’s not all. I love you.”



Jericho comes home a few days later. It’s the first time Angelique has seen him since she left the house, and I can see the anxiety on her face as she waits for her dad. Matty is at my side holding my hand and sucking on his other thumb. I think he’s still a little bit in shock with the move and not seeing his mom. He’s too young to understand what’s going on.

But when the door opens and Jericho walks in to the shouts of surprise, he stops short. It takes him a moment to take in the balloons and decorations Angelique, Matty and I made.

“Daddy!” Angelique runs to him, stopping herself just short of throwing herself into his arms. We told her he’d have to take it easy.

But Jericho crouches down and opens his arms wide. “What are you waiting for? Do I smell bad? I showered—”

“No, silly!” she throws her weight into his arms, and I see him wince. But he squeezes his eyes shut and hugs her so tight, I think the hug is worth the discomfort.

“My little Angel.”

“I’m so happy you’re home. I’m so happy we’re all home,” Angelique says.

He straightens, lifting her with him. When Zeke steps in to take her, he shakes his head. “I got her.” He walks to me, kisses me and we hug as a family. Then he draws back, crouches down again, setting Angelique on her feet.

Angelique moves around him to take Matty’s hand from his mouth and hold it.

“Daddy, this is Matty. He’s my new friend. And Matty, this is my daddy. I told you about him. He’s like your uncle. Right?” she turns her face up to me to ask.

“Um, yeah. That’s right.” Okay, that handles that.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Matty.”

Angelique nudges her dad. “Shake his hand,” she whispers loudly.

“Oh. Of course.” Jericho extends his hand and Angelique places Matty’s tiny one inside. Jericho smiles and Matty attempts to. “Which room did you get, buddy?”

“The one next to Angelique,” he says quietly.

“Oh, that’s a good one,” he says, then leans in close. “She’s not making you play with her princess dolls, is she?”

Matty’s smile widens. “Only a little. I told her I’m not dressing up like one though.”

“That’s a smart decision,” Jericho says and stands, ruffling his hair.

Angelique takes both of Matty’s hands. She’s so sweet with him and although he’s only a year younger than her, she treats him like he’s a baby and wants to take care of him. “Should we go get cake, Matty? I think since it’s a special occasion they’ll let us eat cake for lunch. Come on.”

“Okay,” Matty answers and allows himself be led along.

We all watch them disappear into the dining room. Then I hear Megs’s voice. So does Jericho and he turns to me. Dex and Zeke make themselves scarce.

“I have another surprise for you!” I move closer to him, set my hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek. “Megs is here! And she brought cake.”

“I’m going to have some words with Megs outside of the dining room.” He tries to take a step around me, but I move to block him.

“It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t want me to go. I made her cover for me. It was all my fault.”

He raises his eyebrows and just then, Megs comes into the hallway and clears her throat.

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