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Devil's Redemption (Devil's Pawn Duet 2)

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Judge clears his throat. “I think we have come to a resolution that would best serve the child.” He opens the folder on the desk and lays out the paperwork. I already know what it says so I sit back and sip my whiskey as Judge goes through it.

“Ms. Bishop has agreed to give up her rights to the child. Matthew Bishop will be adopted by his cousin, Isabelle, and Jericho. He’ll be raised with his own last name and seeing how the houses are now united, it makes the most sense for both families.”

“And who will control the inheritance until he comes of age.”

I smile, hold my glass up in a toast. “Well, as Head of Household, that would, of course, be me.”

“Ah. Of course,” Hildebrand says.

“Don’t look like that, Hildebrand. I have no intention of dismantling the boy’s future. The feud between the Bishops and the St. James’s is over. I think we’ve all paid a high enough price. The wall between our properties will be torn down, the houses united. You have to agree, it will be good for all, including The Society.”

He studies the paperwork, nods. “And The Tribunal’s part in this…” he trails off.

Judge speaks. “You’ll spare Julia Bishop’s life. She will live in exile from the child and The Society under perpetual house arrest in a place of your choosing, Councilor.”

“At IVI’s expense?” he asks, eyebrows raised.

“At my expense,” I say.

“And the location will be secret if I’m understanding this correctly?” Hildebrand asks.

“You are. No one can or will know. She will simply disappear from all of our lives while living her own in isolation. She won’t infect anyone else with her poison.”

He looks up at me, grins. Here it comes. His revenge on Julia Bishop. “I know a perfect place. She’ll hate it.”


We spend another hour hammering out details and, after signing the forms, I take my leave to return home to my wife and family.

Epilogue 1


Christian St. James arrives two weeks after his due date. He’s beautiful. Perfect. And as I sit in my hospital bed watching him drift off to sleep as he’s nursing, I think about how happy I am. I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I’ve felt happy. It’s strange how you forget something like that or don’t realize it’s missing until you feel it again.

A soft knock draws my attention. Jericho pushes the door open and peers inside, smiling when he sees us.

“Are they awake?” comes Angelique’s loud whisper as she scoots under his arm and into the room. “Belle!” she calls out excitedly when she sees me, startling the baby.

“Angelique,” Jericho starts. “We talked about being quiet, remember?”

“Oops!” She hurries toward us, bringing with her about a dozen balloons that bounce against the door. She pushes her way inside and behind her, his little hand in hers, follows Matty, holding onto one balloon.

“Sorry about that,” Jericho says as he closes the door and pushes the helium balloons out of the way. “Damn Megs and her damn balloons,” he mutters. I see he’s also carrying a box from Cotton Candy which he sets on a nearby table.

“No, it’s fine. The baby needs to eat anyway, and he just keeps drifting off to sleep,” I say as Angelique and Matty both peer at him.

“What’s he doing?” Matty asks.

“Drinking milk,” Angelique says. “It’s how babies eat,” she explains, turning to him and letting go of his hand.

“Let’s give Isabelle and the baby some space,” Jericho says, placing his hands on their heads and nudging them aside as he nears me. He kisses me then kisses Christian’s little head.

I look up at him, look at the two little ones, Matty sucking his thumb, Angelique smiling so wide as they watch Christian in awe. It’s only the second time they’ve seen him.

“Would you two like to hold him?” I ask once Christian unlatches. I cradle him to rub his back.

“Yes please!” Angelique says with a jump just as Christian lets out a little burp.

“Come here then you two,” Jericho says, lifting Matty up into the seat and helping them both settle into the large armchair side by side. Matty rarely leaves Angelique’s side. He loves her like a big sister, and she adores him.

“Ready!” Angelique says, arms outstretched.

Jericho turns to me. “I’ll keep hold of him,” he tells me.

I nod, hand the little bundle over and watch him, this giant of a man, a big teddy bear as he cradles his son and carefully places him in his daughter’s arms. He crouches close to them, talking to them both in whispers. Matty peers at Christian’s face while Angelique adjusts his little hat.

“There, that’s better, baby,” she whispers.

Jericho looks over at me and smiles. We’re a family now. A real family. Angelique has started to go to a proper school and Matty attends day care at the same school three times a week for a few hours. It’s made a world of difference for Angelique. She’s learning so much but not only that, she’s come out of her shell. She’s less shy, more confident, and less afraid. More curious. Like every little girl her age should be.

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