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Catching Lucy (Lucy & Harris 1)

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What if he was supplying her the drugs?

Jenna obviously needed help, but did Harris need it too? Would me going to Jenna’s siblings destroy his chances of continuing to keep his club going so successfully? If he really was the one hooking her up with the drugs, I knew that Drake and Shane wouldn’t think twice before having Aunt Emmie crush him into dust.

She would do it without a second’s hesitation.

After Harris had shredded me with just a few well-placed barbs that he’d known would eviscerate me, I was left wondering why I should still show him such lingering loyalty.

A tap on my bedroom door had me sitting up and pulling my comforter tighter around me. “Yeah?” I called out and the door opened.

The big man with his head shaved smoothly bald stuck his head inside. When he saw me sitting up, his ever changing brown eyes turned to amber and his face softened as he smiled. I smiled back and it was only slightly forced. I loved my dad more than any other man in the world. He might not have been my biological father, but he would always be the man I called Daddy. “Hey, baby. You have a guest downstairs. Feeling up to it?”

I pushed my curly hair out of my face. “Sure, Daddy. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right down.” Tossing back the covers, I stood. “Is it Kin?”

Jesse Thornton’s eyes switched just as suddenly as his emotions, darkening to licorice. “No. Get dressed. Take as long as you need.” He gave me another smile, but his eyes didn’t turn back to amber. “Love you, Lu.”

As it always did, emotion tightened my throat at hearing my dad telling me he loved me. He said it so often but it never failed to affect me when I heard the words. “Love you, Daddy.”

When he shut the door behind him, I hurri

ed into my bathroom and jumped into the shower. Twenty minutes later I was clean and my hair was a tangled, wet mess. I ran my fingers through it, put in some detangler so that I could actually get my wide-toothed comb through the monstrosity, then pulled it back into a ponytail. I didn’t bother with makeup, just smoothed on some moisturizer before tossing on a pair of yoga pants and a matching hoodie. Most likely whoever had come to see me wouldn’t want to stay in the house with all the craziness that went on with my brothers, and I always got cold walking on the beach.

I bounced down the stairs, feeling slightly more human after having my shower than when I’d first woken up. I heard my mom laughing and turned toward the happy sound. It brought a smile to my lips. I loved the sound of Mom’s laughter. It was so happy and contagious that it infected everyone within earshot of her.

I walked through the living room, where Lyric was sitting on the couch with Luca and… I stopped when I saw the little girl sitting between the twins. Trinity was two years younger than my brothers. She spent a lot of time at my house since she was a friend of the boys and her parents were close to mine.

She was also Harris’s little sister.

“Hi, Lucy,” Trinity greeted me with a happy smile as she shared a bowl of popcorn with the boys. “Are you better?”

I frowned. “Better?”

“Yeah, Harris said you weren’t feeling good and we came over to check on you.” Her blue-gray eyes darkened with concern. “Was it a tummy ache? I hate tummy aches. Do you feel better?”

I brushed my fingers over her long, dark hair. “You know what, sweetheart, I’m feeling a lot better. Is Harris with you?”

“He’s in the kitchen with your mommy. I think she’s giving him cookies.” She rolled her eyes at me and shook her head. She was the spitting image of her brother and father, but those eyes were one hundred percent her mother. “Harris is always getting cookies.”

I pushed my lips together to keep from replying. I was sure that neither her mother nor my own would appreciate what I really wanted to say about that. “You three have fun.”

“Lucy?” I stopped at the door and turned around to face Luca when he called after me.


“We can put firecrackers in his shoes,” he informed me matter-of-factly. “Just say the word, okay?” He had that look on his handsome little face that told me he was one hundred percent serious.

I couldn’t stop the grin that spread across my lips. Was my little brother actually offering to take care of Harris Cutter for me? Yeah, he probably was. “Nah, but I’ll let you know if I change my mind. Okay?”

His dark eyes, that changed with his emotions just like our dad’s did, lightened and he nodded his head seriously. “Yeah, okay.”

“Love you, little bro.”

“We could put that ointment Mom put on my sore leg the other day in his shoes. Like the whole bottle,” Lyric suggested and I quickly left the room before I became an accessory to a crime, but I was still grinning when I entered the kitchen.

The grin dimmed when I spotted Harris sitting at the island with Mom and a nearly empty plate of my favorite cookies sitting between them. He never could turn down her cookies; they were addicting. I never could understand why they had always tasted so good compared to other moms’ homemade chocolate chip cookies. I’d watched several other mothers closely and they tended to make them exactly the same way, but my mom’s always tasted so much better.

The conversation Harris and Mom were having abruptly stopped when I entered the room, which of course made me think they had been talking about me. The dim grin faded completely when he turned those damn aquamarine eyes on me and flashed those freaking dimples.

No. No. No. He didn’t get to come into my house and blink those beautiful eyes at me and flash those dimples like nothing had happened the night before. Like he hadn’t sliced me so deep that I was sure my very soul was bleeding out this morning. It didn’t work like that. I wasn’t one of those simple-minded girls who would fall at his feet, thankful for his attention after hurting me.

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