Un-Shattering Lucy (Lucy & Harris 4) - Page 56

Lucy lifted her head and that grin was still on her beautiful face. “Hi,” she practically purred.

“I love you so fucking much,” I told her. Peyton made a distressed sound, but my focus was solely on the only person who would ever matter. “You look really beautiful tonight, sweetness.”

“Thanks, babe.” Her head tilted to the side, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Why don’t you get rid of tall, blonde and crazy over there and we can have a good time with our friends. She’s kind of boring me.”

I lowered my head and pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips. Pulling back, I saw the need in her eyes that matched my own. “On it, Lu.” Stealing another kiss, I reluctantly let her go and finally looked at Peyton. “How did you get in? I have strict orders not to let you inside.”

She glared from me to Lucy and back again, the hate in her eyes like flames. “One of the new waitresses let me in when I told her I was your girlfriend.”

“Right. She’s fired.” I shot a glance over my shoulder and met Nate’s eyes. He set down someone’s drink and came over to join us. When he spotted Peyton, his eyes narrowed with hostility. “Show Peyton the door and then fire the idiot who let her in. While you’re at it, remind everyone about our newest rule. Be sure and let them know that the only girlfriend I have and will ever have is Lucy Thornton.”

“Thornton?” Peyton cried. “I didn’t know you were Lucy Thornton.”

“Would that have stopped you?” Lucy laughed again. “Knowing my daddy could ruin your chances at ever making it in the rock world would have stopped you trying to break me and Harris up?” She moved closer to the other girl again. “It’s not my daddy you have to worry about though, Peyton. May I call you Peyton?” She winked, and I wanted to grab her and hide us both in my office for a few hours. Screw hanging out with our friends. “Daddy couldn’t care less about you and your short-lived rocker dreams with the Blonde Bombshells. Very short lived, because no one will touch you once Aunt Emmie makes sure your name is blacklisted.”

“Au-aunt Emmie?” Peyton was as white as a ghost now.

“My aunt, Emmie Armstrong. She loves me, too. Maybe not as much as Harris does, but not many people could ever love me that much. One little whisper in her ear and it will be like you never existed.” She stepped back. “It was nice meeting you, Peyton.”

Nate grasped the girl’s arm and led her away. I didn’t watch them go; instead, I grabbed Lucy around the waist and tossed her over my shoulder. Fuck the club and everything else. I needed her alone. Now. “I’m not promising we’ll be back,” I told our group of friends, who watched me with laughing eyes. “Or that we’ll be around tomorrow.” I could feel Lucy laughing and my dick thickened even more. Soon I wouldn’t be able to stand upright. Rubbing a hand over her perfect ass, I headed for the elevator.

“Night, Lucy.”

“Night, Kin,” she called back, still laughing.

The elevator doors barely closed behind us before I was lowering her and pressing her back against the wall. The amusement left her eyes to be replaced with a burning need that only stroked the fires of my own. “I missed you today,” she murmured.

“Fuck, Lu. I missed you, too.” I lowered my head, skimming my nose down her neck.

“I’m not a fan of your friend,” she said with a smirk. “What’s up with her, anyway?”

“That bitch is crazy, Lu.” I pulled back enough to look down at her. “You know I fired her and that the Bombshells kicked her out. She’s been calling me, but I didn’t take her crap seriously until today. She got my idiot super to unlock my apartment door and let her in while I was sleeping. She tried to climb into bed with me.”

Her entire body went stiff and I grimaced at the murderous look in her dark eyes. “Now you tell me? I could’ve scratched up her pretty face.”

“Next time, sweetness,” I promised and kissed the tip of her nose.

“Was she naked?” I could see the jealousy plain as day in her eyes.

“She had her underwear on.” I wasn’t about to lie about it. I would never keep something like that from her.

“What color were they?”

“I don’t fucking know, Lu. I wasn’t looking.” Her smile returned. “What?” I didn’t understand that look in her eyes.

She j

ust shook her head. “I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetness. More than anything.” The elevator stopped, but neither of us moved as the doors opened behind me.

“I know and I’ll never doubt that again.” She cupped my face in both her hands. “I thought for sure I would lose you when you found out about the cutting.”

“That’s never going to happen. You’re stuck with me for life, Lu.” I pressed a kiss into her right palm. “Are you prepared for that?”

“More than ready. Especially now that I’m going to be your roommate.” Her eyes brightened and I felt a grin split my face. “So, Daddy called me and—”

I cut her off with a quick, hard kiss. “He called me, too,” I assured her when I lifted my head again. “I’m sorry, Lu, but your dad is my new favorite person in the world. He gave me the only thing I’ve ever wanted.”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Lucy & Harris Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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