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Un-Shattering Lucy (Lucy & Harris 4)

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“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?” she teased, but I was completely serious.

“You, Lu. You.”



The weak January sun was trying to find its way through the drawn shades. I cracked open an eye and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Five after three.

I’d slept for over twelve hours without even hearing Harris leave for the club. We’d had a good time the night before with his parents and my own celebrating my birthday a day early, and I’d fallen into bed with him while he gave me the only birthday present I could ever want. I’d fallen asleep on top of him and hadn’t even opened my eyes until now.

Turning over in our bed, I looked up at the ceiling and felt a little sad. This was the first time since I’d become Jesse and Layla Thornton’s daughter that they hadn’t woken me up with a chorus of “Happy Birthday” and a cake flaming with candles for me to make a wish on. I couldn’t be too sad, though, since I’d gotten to do just that the night before with them. I missed them nonetheless.

It was the only drawback to living with Harris. I didn’t get to see my family every day like I once had. Between school, my weekly therapy session, and my support group every Wednesday night, there was little time left over for anything else. Normally I only saw my parents on Saturday afternoons when I drove out to Malibu with Marcus to spend the day with them and my brothers.

That was the only complaint I had about it, though. Hell, it was the only complaint I had, period. Since moving in with Harris, my urge to cut had faded to the point that it only popped up on a few rare occasions. I was happier than I could ever remember being in my entire life and I wouldn’t have traded my life now for anything.

From the nightstand I heard my phone go off and I blindly reached for it. Seeing the name on the screen, I lifted it to my ear. “Hey, Kin.”

“Happy birthday,” her excited voice filled my ear. “You ready? We should be there in, like, two minutes. I’m getting in the elevator now.”

I shot up in bed, groaning because I was very much not ready. Kin and the girls were taking me out for my birthday and I’d completely forgotten. “I need fifteen minutes.”

Kin laughed. “Okay. I get it. Harris kept you up late again, huh?”

I couldn’t deny it. I loved how he kept me up and I would never—ever—complain about it. “Sorry.”

“No problem, babe. Kassa, Caro and I will just head up to Jenna’s and grab her and Angie first.” She laughed. “Then you can forget all about your delicious boyfriend for a few hours because you are all ours.”

“I promise. All thoughts of Harris will be put on hold while I let you and the girls pamper me.” I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. “See you in a few.”

I rushed through a shower and didn’t even try to wash my hair. Once I was clean, I put on just a little makeup and got dressed in a simple pair of black leggings, knee-high boots and a top that was a little dressier than I normally wore. I figured the girls would take me to dinner and I wanted to be prepared for anywhere they wanted to eat.

As I left the bedroom, I found Marcus in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. Harris had decided to change apartments from a one-bedroom to a two-bedroom when I’d moved in with him so that Marcus could stay with us. Between Harris and my dad, Marcus would always have a part in my life and I could honestly say I was glad.

“Happy birthday,” Marcus greeted with a smile. He had gotten more laid back with me ever since I’d confessed to the cutting. He was no longer the emotionless bodyguard that he’d always been in the past, but a more open friend who I was happy to have to talk to every day.

“Thanks.” I gave him a short hug and took the mug of coffee he offered. “Everyone will be here soon. Are you ready?”

“Of course.” He opened one of the cabinets and I thought he was getting a travel cup for his coffee but when he turned around there was a small present in his hand. “For you.”

Touched by his gesture, I took the present and quickly opened it. When I found the silver pen inside, engraved with the simple words ‘never stop dreaming’, tears stung my eyes. “This is beautiful. Thank you so much, Marcus.”

I thought I saw pink filling his cheeks, but he turned away before I could question it. “I’ll grab my keys.”

Still smiling at his thoughtful gift, I drank my coffee. By the time I was finished, the doorbell rang and I rushed to answer it. Kassa, Jenna, Angie, Carolina and Kin were all standing in the corridor. Grabbing my coat and purse, I stepped out with them and was enfolded in one hug after another.

“Happy birthday,” Jenna murmured, the last to hug me. Keeping an arm around my shoulders, we all turned toward the elevator with Marcus right behind us. “We were thinking nails, then a little shopping, some dinner, and last but never least, back to First Bass so Harris won’t lose his shit.”

I laughed. “Awesome plan.”

Over the next few hours, I let my friends treat me to all kinds of pampering and goodies. I ate way too much at dinner and then shared a huge dessert with the others before we headed to the club. Like I’d promised Kin, I’d tried to keep Harris off my mind, but I couldn’t help missing him. I hadn’t talked to him all day and I was a little sad he hadn’t texted or called. Normally he texted me every few hours to tell me how his day was going and to ask about my own.

It was the typical Thursday night with lots of people trying to get into First Bass to see the Blonde Bombshells. Their contract was coming to an end in a few more weeks and Harris already had a new band lined up to take their place. Since they had dropped Peyton, the Blonde Bombshells had gotten some serious offers for managers and record labels. Aunt Emmie was still on the fence about dealing with them, but Harris had confessed that Natalie was thinking of taking them on as her clients. As an equal partner in the company with Emmie and Annabelle, Natalie had the right to take on whichever bands she wanted.

“Happy birthday, Miss Thornton,” Tiny greeted me as we entered the club.

I gave him a warm smile. “Thanks, Tiny.”

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