A Well-Read Woman - Page 59

9. Letter from URO to Ruth Rappaport, October 20, 1964.

10. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Dr. Berger, September 20, 1964, RRC, USHMM.

11. Ruth had received financial support from SHEK in Switzerland, but it was not an explicitly Jewish organization.

12. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Dr. Berger, September 20, 1964, RRC, USHMM.

13. Letter to Ruth Rappaport from Der Regierungspräsident der Entschädigungsbehörde [District Governor of the Reparations Authority], November 6, 1964, RRC, USHMM.


1. Ruth Rappaport, “A Selective Guide to Source Materials on German Jews in the U.S. from 1933 to the Present Time,” Librarianship 220B (university course), May 19, 1958, University of California, Berkeley Library, p. v.

2. Rappaport, “A Selective Guide to Source Materials on German Jews in the U.S. from 1933 to the Present Time.”

3. Cindy Mediavilla, “The War on Books and Ideas: The California Library Association and Anti-Communist Censorship in the 1940s and 1950s,” Library Trends 46, no. 2 (Fall 1997): pp. 338–39; Mosher, Reference and Rare Books, p. 104.

4. Marjorie Fiske, “Book Selection and Retention in California Public and School Libraries,” edited by J. Periam Danton, papers presented at Climate of Book Selection: Social Influences on School and Public Libraries (symposium), University of California, July 10–12, 1958.

5. Mosher, Reference and Rare Books, p. 103.


1. RR oral history, USHMM.

2. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Ruth Sieben-Morgen, undated, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

/> 3. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Ruth Sieben-Morgen, December 11, 1958, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

4. Rappaport to Sieben-Morgen, December 11, 1958.

5. Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

6. Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

7. Letter from Ilya Belzitzman to Ruth Rappaport, November 15, 1958, RRC, USHMM.

8. Job application, December 28, 1962, Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

9. Letter from Ruth Sieben-Morgen to Ruth Rappaport, September 13, 1959, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

10. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Ruth Sieben-Morgen, September 18, 1959, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC; letter from Ruth Sieben-Morgen to Ruth Rappaport, October 23, 1959, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC; letter from Ruth Sieben-Morgen to Ruth Rappaport, December 30, 1959, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

11. Letter from Ruth Sieben-Morgen to Ruth Rappaport, March 30, 1960, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

12. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Des [last name unknown], January 2, 1961, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

13. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Colonel E. P. Foote, May 7, 1962, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC. Colonel Thompson is a pseudonym to protect the privacy of the accused.

14. Evaluation form for Ruth Rappaport completed by Mary Jane Lin, March 1, 1961, Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

15. Pat Moesker, in discussion with the author, July 20, 2013.

16. Special Services, daily diary of Captain Charles C. Trexler Jr., box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.


1. Letter regarding travel authorization, November 15, 1962, box 1, folder 1, RRC, USAHEC.

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