A Well-Read Woman - Page 61

6. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

7. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

8. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

9. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

10. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

11. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

12. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

13. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

14. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

15. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

16. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

17. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

18. Rappaport to Rubinstein, February 2, 1968.

19. Nell Strickland, in discussion with the author, September 7, 2013.


1. Bill Sittig, in discussion with the author, May 4, 2013.

2. Fran Buckley and William Sittig, “Veteran Librarians” (webcast), November 1, 2005, Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=3821.

3. Peter Robert Young oral history, Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, AFC/2001/001/66648, Library of Congress.

4. Gabe Horchler, in discussion with the author, May 14, 2013; oral history in Gabriel Francis Horchler Collection, Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, AFC/2001/001/27689, Library of Congress.

5. Veteran Librarians webcast.

6. Disposition form, October 5, 1971, Special Services General Records, box 2, folder “LSC- Magazines and Newspapers,” Record Group 472, NARA.

7. Ann Kelsey, interview conducted by Steve Maxner, Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University, March 27, 2001.

8. Oral history interview in Peter Young Collection (AFC/2001/001/66648), Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress; email from Peter Young to author, February 11, 2018.

9. These numbers are from Ruth Rappaport’s résumé on her federal job application, November 1970, Official Personnel Folders, NARA, and Ruth Rappaport, “The USARV Library Program—In Retrospect.”

10. Bill Sittig, in discussion with the author, May 4, 2013; Nell Strickland, in discussion with the author, September 7, 2013.

11. Veteran Librarians webcast.

12. Email from Peter Young to author, February 11, 2018.

13. Veteran Librarians webcast.

14. Frederick J. Stielow, “The War and Librarianship: A Study in Political Activism,” in Activism in American Librarianship, 1962–1972, edited by Mary Lee Bundy and Frederick J. Stielow (New York City: Greenwood Press, 1987).

15. In his book To Spurn the Gods, A. A. Allison mentions meeting General Taylor in Saigon with Archie Kuntze. Therefore, Rappaport most likely met him as well.

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