The Guy on the Right (The Underdogs 1) - Page 45

“Greg, don’t you dare give her car back.”

“We’ll have to drop it if she pays,” he says, squinting at me sitting next to her before turning back to Laney. “Who’s this?”

“Theo, and he’s not a fan of our profession.”

“No?” He gives me a look I’m all too familiar with. It’s called ‘you’re a pussy,’ and I immediately hate him. But even more so for the way he’s feasting on Laney like a wolf licking his chops.

“Well, I’ll text you what happens.”

Laney nods. “At least make her sweat a little.”

“For you, I will. Night.” His accent is as thick as hers.

“Yeah, got to get back and tend to dem sheeps,” I mutter.

“Hey, he’s a good guy. And you shouldn’t stereotype.”

“He did the minute he saw me. He called me a pussy.”

“He did not!”

“It was in the look he gave me because of your roundabout comment.”

“Well, you didn’t like it.”

“I got no warning, and you know you made that shit seem shady just to mess with me because you’re a pint-sized terrorist in boots. And I’ll have you know I like plenty of other manly things that don’t involve live ammunition. I assure you I have a dick.” And it’s bigger than Troy’s. Sometimes life balances the scales for you. But right now, I sound like more of a pussy for defending myself.


“Alright, Mr. Cocky, I feel like you need a slice of humble pie. Care to put your man skills to the test?”

“Name the time and the place,” I inwardly shake my head at myself.

“Drink the rest of this,” she challenges, handing me the flask with a wicked gleam in her eye. “You’re going to need it.”

“We’re going back?”

“Nope, but buckle up.”

“You don’t have any seatbelts.”

“I meant it figuratively. We’re going on an adventure.”

“That was adventure enough.”

She flashes me a devilish grin before turning off the interior light.

“Time to put your money where your mouth is, smartass.”


“Where are we going again?” Laney navigates the dark roads like she could do it blindfolded as I palm her dash waiting for impact. She snickers when she sees me braced for the worst.

“Huntin’. We’re going to test your outdoor skills, Mr. I Have a Dick.”

“That was sarcasm. I thought you loved that about me?”

“Sure I do, most of the time, but if you were mine, I’d take you down a peg or two.”

Tags: Kate Stewart The Underdogs Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025