The Guy on the Right (The Underdogs 1) - Page 102

“A friend, huh? She worth it?”

“You have no idea.”

“Well, she looks good on you.”

I grin through bloody gums. “Yeah, she does.”

He nudges me with a beefy elbow, and I keep my groan inward. “Life gets a lot sweeter when you’re getting some on the regular.”

“Please don’t go thinking we have anything in common.”

Troy scowls. “You always going to rag on me?”

I nod. “Probably.”

“What’s her name?”


“When am I going to get to meet her?”

“How about fucking never?”

He holds his hands up defensively.

“Bygones, man.”

“Yeah, let’s drop it.”

He claps me on the back, and it’s all I can do to keep him from seeing the tears brewing in my eyes.

“Do me a favor, dude, don’t touch me.”

He chuckles as Kevin delivers two fresh beers. “To Bugle Boy and his first Tuff Man!”

And last.

But I don’t bother to correct him.

The guys collectively raise their glasses, and I join them despite the ridiculous pet name because, for a brief second, it feels good to be king.

#tuffman2019 #invincible #hulkedout #ownedthatshit #therockhasnothingonme #livingmyrealestlife

Grannism—If someone truly cares for you, you won’t ever have to wonder about it.


Pouring more shampoo into my hand, I berate my hound. “You want to tell me how in the hell you got sap all over you?”

Max yelps as I grip him tightly to me while the hose runs at our feet. “You aren’t a young buck anymore. What in the world were you thinking?”

Max grunts as I give him his third shampoo. I swear I hear his snide laugh at my efforts. I’m rinsing him when I hear the crunch of tires and a car door close.


“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Over here!” I yell from the side of the house. Max starts to struggle against me, pining for Theo’s attention as he approaches.

Tags: Kate Stewart The Underdogs Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025