Someone Else's Ocean - Page 88

“So, what’s the story between you and Koti?”

I glared at Drew as Doug sat back on the sand, threatening to pass out.

Throwing another piece of wood on the fire, I did my best to throw them off. “What are we, girlfriends? It’s none of your damned business.”

Drew looked at me pointedly. “We don’t hold back. Never have. That’s the deal. And why are you suddenly living in St. Thomas?”

“I’m interested to know that shit myself,”

Julian said as he joined us around the fire.

“That was fast. Did you even use the gentlemen’s rule?” Doug said in a slur.

“They always come first,” Julian assured. “And don’t ask me shit. I like her.”

All eyes drifted back to me. Drew spoke up first.

“What’s the story, Ian? Will we be sending Christmas cards to St. Thomas?”

Toying with the cap of my beer, I pressed the wavy metal into my thumb and gave Drew a pointed look. “Let’s not pretend you know how to spell.”

The guys laughed, and Drew gave me the finger, but the heaviness of the question lingered in the air. They knew me well, too well. That kind of bond only came with spending months together in the desert.

“I’m here…” I swallowed because it was the first time I was going to say it out loud. “I’m here because Tara told me that Ella isn’t mine.”

Julian got deathly silent as Drew cupped the back of his head. Doug was already snoring.

“Jesus, man, what the fuck?”

“Yeah.” I took a drink of beer. “So I came here to blow off some steam.”

“Damn.” Drew’s eyes bulged. “Can she take her from you?”

“No, she wouldn’t do that.” Panic ripped through me at the thought. “Well, I don’t know what in the hell she would do. If she went that far in the first place, who knows what she’s capable of.”

“Isn’t she like sixteen?” Drew asked. “She got pregnant when? Our second year overseas?”

“Yep,” I said, taking another swig. “She’s just turned fifteen.”

Drew spoke up. “You got fucking Jerry Springered. God, I knew I didn’t like her for a reason.”

“You loved Tara,” I pointed out. Julian, Drew, and Doug had been groomsmen at my wedding.

Julian remained quiet as he eyed me over the roaring fire.

“What, Drake? No words of wisdom?”

“Sorry, man, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

“Me too,” I said, retiring my bottle for another.

“How long are you staying here?” Julian asked.

“Not sure.”

“What does that mean for Koti?” Drew asked.

“Not sure about that either, but you need to keep your hard-on to yourself, fucker,” I said, throwing a handful of sand his way.

Tags: Kate Stewart Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024