Quinn (The Beck Brothers 3) - Page 38

He and Margot had been together a little over a month when Quinn’s mother invited them over for a family dinner. He has yet to introduce Margot to his parents, so he figured dinner would be the perfect time. They were going to be shocked since Margot would be the first woman Quinn has ever brought home to meet his parents. He always refrained before because his mother was a bit crazy when it came to her sons and other women, but she has completely reformed herself.

When he spoke to his mother on the phone, she said that she had a surprise for Quinn and his brothers; he had no idea what it could be. They were about a week away from Sebastian’s wedding, so maybe it had something to do with that. Quinn was definitely curious.

Quinn and Margot pulled into his parents’ driveway, got out of the car, and started up the walkway. She slipped her hand in his, and he glanced down at her, giving her a small smile. Margot reached up and kissed him on the lips as they walked. God, he was so in love with her. He couldn’t believe how fast it happened, never expecting to fall in love with the one woman who annoyed the shit out of him when they first met and started working together.

When they got to the front door, Quinn opened it and walked in as he usually did. Never in a million years would he have expected to see the person who was standing in his parents’ living room, talking to Christian. Time stopped as Quinn froze just inside the doorway.

He hasn’t seen his cousin Johnny in twenty years, not since that day he held Quinn down on his bed and raped him. Johnny was twenty at the time, and much stronger than Quinn. The only reason Johnny was at their house was to say goodbye. He and his family were moving to Texas because his dad, Quinn’s Uncle Jack, took a job out there. Uncle Jack was his father’s brother.

While everyone was out back for a barbecue that day, Quinn went to his room to grab his toy gun. Before he even had a chance to leave his room, Johnny walked in, and shut and locked the door. Quinn was confused at first, and he couldn’t understand why Johnny would lock the door. Then as Johnny advanced on him, his confusion turned to terror. The whole thing lasted only ten minutes - the longest ten minutes of his life - but seemed like hours for Quinn. No one even realized that he was gone.

As Quinn stood frozen in the doorway, the whole world fell away until it was just Johnny and him. He distantly heard Margot call his name. Johnny chose that moment to look over at Quinn, his smug smile that curled his mouth was a punch to the gut, as if he knew that Quinn never said a word, and he held all the power. Something inside of Quinn snapped. All of the these years that he held this disgusting secret inside of him, all of the anger he felt over not being able to do anything about it, all of the nightmares he had - everything boiled up to the surface and finally spilled over.

Quinn didn’t even realize his feet were moving until Johnny’s cocky smile faded and he was closer than he was before. Without a word, Quinn shoved Christian aside and started wailing on him. Johnny, who was now shorter than Quinn, was also now forty, and a bit overweight. He had no chance in defending himself against Quinn’s wrath. The second punch to his face knocked him to the ground, and Quinn followed with more, continuing his assault. As Johnny lay bleeding under him, Quinn wrapped his hands around the man’s neck. He previously swore to himself that if he ever saw Johnny again, he would kill him, fuck the consequences. Quinn heard screams and shouts in the background, but nothing really registered. He was on a single-minded mission, and nothing short of severe physical harm was going to stop him.

Quinn felt hands grab him and try to pull him away, but he wasn’t going to let go until this piece of shit wasn’t breathing. Johnny clawed at Quinn’s wrists, his eyes were wide and bugging out, his mouth was gaping open, and his lips were starting to turn blue, as he tried to draw in a nonexistent breath. Quinn stared down at him, his face void of all emotions; he was going to watch the man who ruined his life die.

A thick muscled arm wrapped around Quinn’s neck and pulled. He lost his advantage and had no choice but to let go of Johnny’s neck. Quinn grunted and fought mercilessly against whoever was pulling him. He swung an elbow back and cracked whoever it was in the face. The arm around his neck fell away and he vaguely heard Sebastian bite out a very vicious, “Motherfucker!”

Tags: Andria Large The Beck Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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