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Lucky Timing (Lucky in Love)

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“Anything else you can tell me?” I am like a kid bouncing up and down in his chair.

“She is young, twenty-two years old, I think. As far as I know, she is not in a relationship. I don't know much else…oh except her address.” She says that and then leaves it there. I have it on good authority she knows she is driving me insane, and I can't help but chuckle. She turns to me and giggles before giving me her address. “I am only telling you because maybe this girl could be the reason you settle down and come home.”

Ironically enough, I don’t doubt it.

Chapter Four


“Are you going to tell me what has you all starry-eyed, girl?” I look at my grandma and duck my head, embarrassed that I am still thinking about him an hour later.

“It's nothing, grandma.” I begin cleaning up her kitchen, hoping she'll let it go.

“Nothing, my derriere. Something has you all googly-eyed and such. You have barely heard a word I said.” Crap. “So, tell me.” she nudges me with her cane and gives me the ‘look.’

“Oh, alright. I went to pick up your cake and saw this guy behind the counter. I have never seen him before. He was so handsome. He has the greenest eyes I have ever seen. Of course, the minute I saw my brain short-circuited, and I couldn’t even say hi.” My head falls to the counter, and I groan at my own ridiculousness.

“That sounds like it might be one of his sons.” My head pops back up, curiosity winning out.

“I didn’t know he had sons. I knew he had a daughter; she has been home once within the last year, but sons?”

“Yes. His oldest is Cillian; he is a lawyer in Florida. His other son’s name is Liam, and he is a fancy photographer who flies around the world taking pictures for magazines.” Whoa. I didn’t know any of this, and somehow, the one I saw didn’t strike me as a lawyer.

Ding Dong. Her doorbell rings: I look at her, not moving from where she is sitting.

“Seanmháthair, are you expecting someone?” She shakes her head no. I look at her suspiciously before going to the door myself. She had the peephole replaced by a window a couple of years ago, so before I make it to the door fully, I see him. Mister Green Eyes standing outside, and I panic.

“Who is it, Orla?”

“It’s him, grandma. It’s him. What is he doing here?” I ask her, trying not to hyperventilate.

“Well, I am no mind reader. I suppose if we want to know why he is here, we need to ask him, which means you are going to have to open the door.” Open the door? Is she crazy? The bell buzzes again, and my heart about comes through my throat. “For Pete’s sake, sweetheart, calm down and let him in.” I nod jerkily, unable to say anything. I walk to the door and open it, not sure what I look like right now on the outside, but on the inside, I am fainting.

“Good afternoon, Orla.” He looks past me to my grandmother and acknowledges her as well. “The same to you, Mrs. Byrne. My name is Liam. My father is Mr. O’Doyle.” I simply stare at him like a mute.

“Nice to meet you. You have to excuse my granddaughter. She has just arisen from a nap. Would you like to come in?” That snaps me out of it.

“Yes, please come in,” I say, moving back from the door.

“Thank you. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but I wanted to come and ask your granddaughter if she would do me the honor of going on a date with me tonight?” He looks dead at me, and I swear, every pimple I had as a teenager appears on my face. Now, of course, I know that is absurd, but I feel like the awkward girl in high school being cornered by the handsome jock.

“Orla, he is talking to you.” My grandmother bumps me with her cane once again, and I look at him, sure I heard him wrong.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” Good grief, Orla, get a grip. He smiles, knowing he has me at a disadvantage, and I can't help but blush.

“I want to take you out tonight.”

“To what end?” My grandma asks.

“I am unsure, to be honest, but I just know I need to spend some time with her.” I look back at my grandma, and she shrugs and then looks at me. Turning back to him, I take a deep breath.

“Sure. I would like that.” I say, making myself act like a mature woman.

“Excellent. I will be here to pick you up at seven.” He turns and walks away. When the door is closed, I turn and fall against it. What the heck just happened?

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