Lucky Timing (Lucky in Love) - Page 14

“Shall we?” When she grabs my arm, everything rights itself.

The drive is quiet, and I know we both have a lot on our minds. The silence is welcomed, though. It’s comfortable in a way. Gives me more time to just feel her beside me and not be so worried about what comes after. When I pull into the parking lot for the planetarium, she turns her cute, curious face toward me and raises her eyebrow. “I thought it was closed today?” She unbuckles her seatbelt and waits for me to open the door.

“It is, but a pal of mine is on the preservation board and did me a favor.” That’s one of the perks of traveling so much and to so many places; I meet some of the most interesting and powerful people.

“Cool,” she says, grabbing my hand and following me inside.

“Mr. O’Doyle, welcome.” The manager greets us.

“Thank you for having us. I assume everything is set up?”

“As you requested. If you would follow me.” Once again, I can feel the excitement from Orla running from her to me, and it is contagious. I used to love this place when I was younger. Being able to look out into the galaxy and wonder.

“Oh my gosh.” I hear beside me, bringing me out of my nostalgia. I look around and see they followed my specifications. I asked that the evening be set up like a night for lovers. The computerized constellation on the ceiling has been set up to resemble a heart, and the lights are twinkling red, white, and gold. On the floor is a picnic basket with two wine glasses and what should be a dinner for two from Osos inside of it. Looking at her face, her eyes are twinkling as she takes everything in; pride fills me.

“Welcome to your picnic under the stars, my angel.” She turns and runs into my arms. Lifting her, our mouths meet in the middle, and my heart pounds to the rhythm in my head. As our tongues dance in slow motion, I simply hold her and allow her body to mold into mine and imprint itself on every fiber of my being. Pulling back, I laugh and look at her sweet face. “I take it you like it.”

“I love it, Liam. It is so beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you, baby. Come on.” Helping her sit on the floor, I pull open the basket and am pleased when I see two chicken parmigiana with asparagus and pasta. Brie and crackers and two slices of strawberry cheesecake.

“I can’t believe you did all this.” She spreads her arms wide. “How did you do all of this?” Her smile is infectious, and I want to see it on her all the time.

“I know someone who knows someone.” Winking at her. She blushes and bites her lip, and a growl falls from my lips. I want to be the one biting her…everywhere.

The food is delicious, and so is the wine, but it is her that makes this everything. So far, I have learned her favorite color is blue, and her favorite cuisine is Italian, which I totally love as well. She hates coconut and loves anything strawberry, but her absolute weakness is hot cocoa with cinnamon and peppermint. “Is that why you always taste like cinnamon?” I ask her before taking her mouth once more. I moan when the hint of bourbon from the pasta hits my tongue, mixed with her cheesecake. Her hands wrap around my neck and then drop beside her. She pulls back before I can hoist her into my lap and devour her. “Where did you go, sweet girl?” I brush her hair from her face and try to bring her back to me. Right now, she seems a million miles away. “How come I can feel you pulling away from me?” She looks at me with hidden tears in her eyes, and I feel like an asshole.

“You are leaving in two days, Liam. Right?” So much hope shining from her eyes, begging me to tell her no and that I am staying, and fuck do I want to, but something is holding me back, and I don’t know what it is. “Yeah, I figured.” Christ. What a monster I am hurting her right now.

“Hey, look at me.” When her dulled eyes meet mine, I grip her hand. “I promise it is going to be okay, angel. We will figure out something. Come on. Are you done eating?”


“Then let’s get out of here.”

In the car, we sit and look at one another before I pull onto the road and start driving toward her grandmother’s house, but it all feels fucked. My hand slams against the steering wheel, and more than a few curses leave my mouth. “Liam?” Her hand touches my shoulder, and I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024