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The Lawyer's Daffodil (Flower of the Month)

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When we turn the corner, I see my sleazy public defender standing in the hallway, and immediately I want to run and hide. I want to cover myself up and be invisible, but I need him to get me out of here. He walks over to me and follows us inside. I feel his disgusting breath on my neck. “Did you give any thought to my… suggestion?” Ugh. God. Could this get any worse? I have no response for him, so I decide saying nothing might be better.

The double doors to the courtroom open, and the moment I step inside, everything begins to itch. Not like a rash, but like that tickle… that niggling feeling you get when something is happening, but you can’t see it yet. Have you had that happen? The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I crane my head, trying to look around and find the cause. At first, nothing looks amiss, but then my eyes move across the man sitting at the other table, and everything stops. “Holy moly,” I whisper to myself. He is like the vision of Adonis as seen from the tops of the mountain. His eyes are trained on mine as well, and it makes the itching worse.

I drop my head, not sure why I was just ogling who I am sure is the prosecutor, but even without looking up, I know his eyes are still on me. It's like I can feel him moving under my skin. It is both unnerving and alluring. “All rise.” I stand with everyone else when the judge comes into the room and then promptly sits back down.

“Good morning, gentlemen. Who is first on the docket?” The judge asks, opening up a file.

“Your honor, we have Daffodil Barbieri. Shoplifting. First-time offender. No priors.” The sexy man staring at me says.

“Mr. Way?” The judge looks at my public defender waiting for him to respond, but he is busy leering at me. Oh my god. I think he is really waiting for me to say I will sleep with him. I feel the nervousness begin to build inside of me. The helplessness that I feel when I find myself alone and unsure how to handle something. What should I do? My eyes move toward Mr. Prosecutor and then back down, not sure why I looked in the first place. He is the one trying to lock me up. “Mr. Way?” The judge calls him again, waiting for his response.

“What he just said.” Is his one and only response, and I know I am screwed. “You should have taken me up on my offer.” Is all he says before leaning back in the chair.

“Very well.” The judge grunts, clearly pissed at him but not saying much else. “What is the state proposing?” Oh, God. They are going to lock me up and throw away the key. I should have called my brother. Now it’s too late. I can’t go to jail. I can’t…

“The state recommends house arrest while the incident is further investigated.” Wait. What? House arrest? I don’t even live here. Sleazy guy perks up and starts to stand when a sexy man says, “I am willing to supervise and oversee the investigation, your honor.” Whoa. Why has my breathing picked up so quickly? I glance at him from under my eyelashes, only peeking from the side, and see once again his gaze is locked on me, but he is also glaring at the prosecutor like he wants to kill him, and it does something to me. Sleazy guy begins to object, but the judge shuts him down.

“That sounds like an excellent idea. Young lady, please stand.” I stand as best I can, unable to steady myself with my hands and ankles cuffed. “You are hereby put on house arrest for the duration of the investigation and put in the hands of Mr. O’Doyle. Do you object to this?” I shake my head no because, seriously, what is my alternative. “Very well. Next case.”

Why am I more excited than nervous?



Holy fuck! If I don’t get my dick under control, I will be held in contempt of court for indecent exposure. This girl is fucking decadent. Was convinced I was hallucinating when I saw her thick, plushy body walk into the courtroom following behind that fucking leach. I had to physically grip the table to remain seated. There is no way in hell she should be following behind anyone. She is a god, damn Goddess. She should be leading men to their deaths as they kill one another to win the privilege of her smile.

My eyes wouldn’t leave her, still not sure she isn’t an illusion. When they listed out why she was in here, I damn near snorted in disbelief. There is no way this delicate flower did anything but breathe in the vicinity of some lucky fuck. How in the hell is she in here with no proper representation? With no man threatening to kill everyone involved if she isn’t released? No, my flower is alone and vulnerable to the like of the lecherous public defender sitting next to her, sniffing to fucking close to what is now my pussy.

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