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What Lovers Do

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Cersei sniffs butts and licks everything she can as I pull her around the store, sipping my coffee and letting my gaze navigate to Shep and his charming demeanor.

“Focus, Sophie,” I murmur, reminding myself that I have a squatter at my house because I’ve habitually fallen for the sexy, nice guy façade. I’ve spread my legs in the name of charming and handed over my house key after hearing the words “I love you.”

If there’s rehab for total suckers, then I need to admit myself.

“Miss, your dog stole that treat from the bin back there,” an older woman says to me with a disapproving scowl on her overly made-up face as she hugs a purse-sized gray fluff ball close to her and kisses its head.

“Oh …” I frown at Cersei. “Drop it.” I need another hand as I grapple with the leash, my coffee, and a stolen tendon treat. I shift my coffee to my hand that has her leash so I can grab the tendon. She doesn’t release it. Instead, she hunches down, butt in the air, and growls at me. “Drop. It,” I say in my own growly tone.

Launching into a game of tug, she inches her backside toward a tall swivel display of collars and leashes.

“Cersei!” I pull harder to keep her from making a bigger scene. I lose grip on the tendon. Thankfully, the leash catches, but the sudden jerk sends my iced coffee flying.

“Oh my god,” I whisper. There’s coffee everywhere, including my evil mutt and the treat police holding her perfectly groomed dog.

She’s silent. Eyes wide, lips parted.

“I’m … so sorry.”

“Trade?” Shep bypasses me and holds out his hand with another treat in it.

Cersei releases the tendon and takes the treat.

“Good girl,” Shep says, scratching her chest as she triumphantly chews the treat.

Good girl? Is he serious? There’s coffee everywhere because she was being anything but good. I’m as speechless as the treat police.

“Let’s get everyone cleaned up.” Shep acts as if this happens every day.

“This is an eighty-dollar top,” treat police lady squeaks.

“I’ll compensate you for your shirt,” Shep says.

“No! I did this. I’ll pay.” I snap out of my stupor and fish some cash from my purse, handing it to the angry lady painted in coffee. “I’m incredibly sorry.” Then I snatch the towel from Shep and crawl on my hands and knees, cleaning the mess while my dog …

Actually, I don’t know where Cersei is at the moment.

“I’ve got this.” Shep squats next to me, pressing his hand onto mine to stop me from cleaning anymore of my mess. “Finish your shopping. It’s no big deal.”

“Um … t-thanks … I’m only getting the tendon. And I promise never to return.”

He laughs, cleaning the coffee at a much faster rate. “That would be a shame. We’d hate to lose your business over a little spilled coffee.”

“I uh …” I’m so embarrassed I can’t string together more than a few mumbled words.

“I’ll meet you at the register in a sec. Boss needs me in back, but you have to promise to return for another visit.”

Never. Ever.

I gulp and nod once.

He disappears to the back of the store for a few minutes before meeting us at the register. I’m third in line behind the treat police.

When he totals her products, I toss my credit card on the counter. “It’s on me.”

She glances over her shoulder, still hugging her fur ball. A tiny smile, that resembles the feeling of a truce, bends her lips. I’m sure it helps that I’m paying for nearly a hundred and fifty dollars in food and toys after having already paid for her shirt.

This is the most expensive trip to a pet store that I’ve ever made.

“How kind of you.” Shep winks at me.

I glance away, biting my lips together, waiting for this misery to end.

After he takes care of the next customer, I set the tendon next to the register and risk a quick glance and apologetic smile.

“What’s your last name, Sophie?” he asks.

“Ryan.” I sweep my gaze around the store to keep from staring too long at him.

“Can I get your phone number?”

“Oh …” I clear my throat and force myself to make eye contact again. “I’m flattered. Really. But I’m not dating right now.”

That is code for: I will be single for the rest of my life because I have lost all dating privileges for eternity. And I’m pregnant.

Shep presses his lips together for a few seconds in an unreadable expression. Have I hurt his feelings?

“The phone number is for our system. With your name and phone number, you can start earning reward points with each purchase. You get a free dog wash just for giving me your name and number.”

If an asteroid struck the earth right now and killed all of humankind, I wouldn’t be mad. Not one bit. I wouldn’t be alive either, but spiritually, I would feel grateful.

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