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Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U)

Page 17

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It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her no, but then I hear my son’s delighted squeals of joy from the kitchen and find myself saying, “It’s no problem,” before I can think better of it.

“Are you sure?” she asks, no doubt thinking about the tension from earlier.

Maverick laughs again, and I smile. “Yeah, I’m sure. Plus, he’s your family. I’m just some girl from your art class.”

Stella scoffs. “You’re more than some girl. We’re going to be great friends. You’ll see.”

“Y’all ready for some pancakes?” Orion asks, interrupting us before I can reply to Stella’s bold claim.

“You mean Pamcakes?” Maverick shouts from the hallway.

Orion arches a brow, and I can’t help but laugh. “It’s a long story.”

“Well, whatever they’re called, they’re ready.”

Stella hops up from the couch and flits toward the kitchen, pausing only to jab her elbow into her brother’s ribs.

“Ouch, Smalls!” he hollers, taking off after her.

“Mav Man, save me,” Stella calls and my son leaps into action, placing his small body between the feuding siblings, holding his hands out to stop Orion.

“You’re really gonna take her side? Bros before—”

I shuffle past him, hustling into the kitchen. “Finish that sentence and die.”

Orion smiles, and I swear to God, I can feel an ache in my ovaries.

“What?” he asks, feigning innocence. “I was going to say bros before sisters with stinky toes.”

As soon as the words pass his lips, Stella absolutely loses it laughing. “Oh my God,” she wheezes, “I wish that was on video. I would literally give my left arm to have that on video.”

“You’re such a brat,” he mutters, shoulder checking her lightly as he moves around to the other side of the island. “How many Pamcakes, bud?”

“A hundred,” Maverick deadpans.

“How about two?” I counter.

He sighs but nods. “With lots of syrup?”

“Wanna know what’s really good?” Orion asks.


“Do you trust me?”

“Mister, I hardly even know you.”

Turning to me, Stella cracks up again. “Yeah, he’s definitely your kid, Frankie.”

I shrug, even as a blush burns across my cheeks.

Orion on the other hand adopts a wounded expression and clutches at his chest. “I thought we were buds, Maverick. Bros. Best friends. And now you’re acting like we’re strangers. Dude.”

Maverick stares at him for a minute before relenting. “Fine, but if you do something gross, you’re out.”

“Out of where?”

“Everywhere! You’re out of everywhere!”

Stella and I hide our laughter behind our hands while Orion somehow manages to keep a straight face. “Got it.”

I plate up everyone’s Pamcakes while Stella grabs the butter and syrup. I’m not sure what Orion is rifling through the fridge for, but something tells me it’s going to be wild.

“Y’all go on to the table, and I’ll bring Maverick’s plate out with me.”

I hesitate, feeling slightly on edge at the thought of him caring for my son. Which is absurd, because aside from our snafu this morning, he’s done nothing wrong.

“C’mon, Mama.” Mav grabs my hand. “You can sit by me.”

The three of us move to the dining room, leaving Orion to his own devices. I just hope he doesn’t bring out some concoction loaded with sugar.

A few minutes later, he calls out from the kitchen for Maverick to close his eyes. He walks into the room with a plate loaded down with Pamcakes, layered with bananas, strawberries, whipped cream, and… is that Nutella?

Lord have mercy, if my son eats that, I’ll… I’ll kiss the man.

Well, let’s be honest, I’d probably do that anyway.

“Okay, bud.” He places the plate down in front of Maverick. “What do you think?”

My son’s eyes widen comically. “It looks like an ice cream sundae!”

Orion smiles, his eyes already shining with triumph. “Tastes even better than a sundae, my dude. Try it.”

Maverick doesn’t waste a second and shovels a huge bite into his mouth. “Mama!” he shouts, whipped cream dripping from his lips like he’s a rabid raccoon.

“Chew your food first, Mav.”

He swallows and then tries again. “Mama! You have to try this! It’s the best thing in the whole entire world. It’s…it’s like…magic in my mouth!”

“Magic, huh?” My lips curl into a smile, loving how excited my little man is.

“Yes, like abra-cadabra-delicious!” He wiggles in his seat and then shoves another bite into his mouth. “Try it!”

I go to fork up a bite for myself, but Orion beats me to it, extending his own fork my way.

It’s no big deal, I tell myself, even though it totally feels like one. But for all I know, he goes around feeding every woman he meets.

With that thought in my mind, I lean forward and accept his offering. “Oh,” I sigh as soon as my lips close around the tines of the fork.

I chew thoughtfully and then swallow. “That is good.”

Stella clears her throat, snapping me out of my daze. “Do I need to watch the kid while you two get a room?”

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