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Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U)

Page 46

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“Is that a serious question?” He draws back and pretends to peek around to my backside, despite us both being seated. “Your ass is always at the forefront of my mind. It’s peachy perfection, Frankie.”

I hear his words, but for some reason, they’re still not computing. Because why would he be obsessed with my ass? I mean, don’t get me wrong, objectively, it’s an okay ass—but I’m sure he’s seen better.

“Nah,” he murmurs, his voice dipping low as he shakes his head. “Your ass is by far the best. High and tight. Juicy.” He snaps his teeth together. “Biteable.”

“Orion!” I squeak his name, every bit as scandalized as I am turned on.

“What?” He shrugs. “It’s true.”

“You can’t say things like that.” It’s one thing, under the low lights of the VIP room when I’m half-naked and wearing a mask, my identity concealed, but stick us under the stars on a random Wednesday night and suddenly it feels too intimate.

“Pretty sure I just did.” He kicks his feet up onto the coffee table and smirks.

How is it possible for him to be so cool and calm while I’m over here melting down on the inside? Orion’s this perfect mixture of sex appeal, confidence, and charm. It should be illegal, really.

“Well.” I sink back into my chair, drawing my knees up and under the excess material of his hoodie. “Don’t do it again.”

“Fine, fine.” He rolls his head along the back of the chair until he’s staring at my profile. “I did promise to be on my best behavior. So, let’s talk about something other than your hot body.”

I groan and cover my face with my hands. Why is he doing this to me?

“You don’t wanna tell me where you work, then tell me about your classes. You met Stella at school, right?”

“Yeah.” I push my hair back behind my ears. “In art class.”

“Are you an artist?”

Another laugh flies out of me, and I slap a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. “That’d be a no.” I risk a glance in his direction, only to find him still staring at me. “I just needed an elective.”

“Stella, too. I’m pretty sure she can’t even draw stick people.”

We talk for hours, about everything and nothing, until I can barely keep my eyes open.

“Let’s get you to bed,” Orion says, standing.

“I’m good…” I protest, but it’s weak. My bed is calling my name, but I’d happily forgo sleep if it means spending time with him like this.

Because in the dark of night, I can pretend he’s mine.

“Nope.” He reaches down and grips me under each arm, lifting me to my feet. “It’s time for bed.”

“Fine.” I yawn and wiggle out of his hold. “But we need to clean up out here.”

“I’ve got it, baby.” And then, I swear I hear him whisper I’ve got you, but that part might have been in my head.

I stumble over the threshold, but Orion’s there to catch me, hauling me against his solid chest. “Watch your step,” he whispers as I sink into him.

He’s comfort and safety and peril and heartbreak all at the same time, an enigma I can’t seem to resist.

“Sorry.” My voice is thick and heavy, tired.

Slowly, reluctantly, he releases me, swapping his hold around my waist for my right hand. “C’mon, sleeping beauty, the sun will be up before you know it.”

I allow him to lead me down the darkened hall to my bedroom, nearly plowing into his back when he comes to a stop outside of my door.

“Here—” I pull my hand from his and start to take off his hoodie, but he stops me.

“Keep it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” His lips kick up into a satisfied grin. “I like seeing you in my clothes.”

“You like me more without ‘em,” I mumble, accidentally giving life to my internal thoughts.

“Yeah,” he agrees easily, not catching the actual meaning. “I’m sure I would, but you took that off the table. So, for now, I’ll settle on seeing you like this.”

“Huh?” It sounds like he’s telling me he’s willing to wait to see me naked, but…

Before I can think any more on it, he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to my forehead. “Goodnight, Frankie.”

My belly swoops low and my heart thumps dangerously in my chest as I let myself into my room. “Goodnight,” I whisper back.

I skip my bedtime routine and crawl straight into my bed. Maverick immediately curls into me, but I can’t seem to fall asleep.

Because as I lie here, next to my son, wrapped in Orion’s sweet scent, I can’t help but wonder if a little danger is exactly what my life needs.



My feet and back are killing me—the joys of breaking in new heels—my head is pounding, and I’m bone-freaking-tired after staying up late with Orion last night.

At this point, I’d pretty much give anything to take a power nap before picking Maverick up from school. Unfortunately, I was a little late leaving ATF, thanks to a long talk with Walt about taking my name off the VIP list, so there’s no time.

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