Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U) - Page 48

He pauses, one foot on the asphalt and one on the sidewalk. “Strawberry but with Goldfish.”

“Sure,” I reply, internally cringing, because I already know he plans to dip the crackers into the yogurt—the little weirdo.

“You’re the bestest!” Maverick takes off down the sidewalk, running toward the front door like a pint-sized man on a mission.

I make it to the door less than thirty seconds after him, but with the way he’s hopping and bouncing around, it looks like he’s been waiting for hours.

“Hurry, Mama, I’m starving.”

“Didn’t you eat lunch?” I swipe my key fob over the sensor and then open the door.

“Yeah.” He rushes past me, heading straight for the kitchen. “But that was forever ago!”

“You’re home!” Stella shouts, barreling into me.

“Thanks for the freaking heart attack,” I mutter, trying to pry her octopus arms off of me.

“I’ve been waiting on you forever!” She tightens her hold, rocking us back and forth with the energy of a labradoodle playing tug-o-war. Seriously—what is it with dogs, kids, and Stella all having this much energy? What’s their secret?

“I was at work… you literally saw me this morning before I left.”

She finally releases me, taking a step back while her lips turn down in an exaggerated frown. “I know—it just feels like we never spend any time together.”

Guilt slams into me even harder than Stella did, because she’s right—we haven’t really been hanging out. When I’m not working or in class, I’m either with Maverick, which I know she gets—or with her brother.

I’m totally a shit friend.

“I’m sorry, Stella.”

Her lips twitch before pulling down into a pleading pout. “I know how you could make it up to me.”

There may as well be a flashing sign over her head that reads: Warning! This bitch is up to no good!

But still, my curiosity wins out. “How’s that?”

“Come out with us tonight.” Her blue eyes twinkle with mischief as she clasps her hands under her chin and bats her lashes. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she looked angelic.

“Who’s us?” I ask, assuming she means her and Samson. Maybe even Orion. “And what about Maverick?”

“That’s where I come in,” Orion says, joining us in the foyer. “Made Mav his snack by the way—did you know he dips his Goldfish crackers into his yogurt?”

“Yup. He also likes peanut butter and mayo. He definitely got his tastebuds from Tyson, because ew.”

“The fuck?” Orion whispers, disgust lining his every feature.

“Yeah, super gross.” I shrug, because really, what can I do?

“Yes, gross.” Stella grabs my hands and tugs me toward her. “Back to me.”

“I don’t know… I’m kind of tired.”

“Please, Frankie?” There’s that stupid puppy-pout again. “I promise it’ll be fun!”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say no. All I want to do is crawl in bed and catch up on my reading; maybe watch a movie with Maverick. Instead, I find myself asking, “What exactly do you have planned?”

“Nothing crazy.” She’s smiling like she’s already convinced me. “Just some pizza…”

From her pink cheeks to her pitchy voice, it’s obvious she’s not telling me everything. “And what else? Because whatever you’re trying to sell right now…” I wave my hand in her general direction. “I’m not buying.”

“Okay, fine. There’s something else, but it’s a surprise for you and Emmy—she’s coming, too. I promise it’s not a party, club, bar, or anything involving alcohol or being outside.”

I glance toward Orion, but he just smirks back at me like he knows I’m going to say yes.

But then Maverick joins us, sliding across the floor in his socks. “Why are y’all standing around here by the door?”

“We’re talking,” I tell him, opening my arms to him for a snuggle, which he readily accepts. I’m already dreading the day he doesn’t want my hugs and kisses.

“‘Bout what?” he asks, worming out of my hold in favor of climbing all over Orion like he’s his own personal jungle gym.

My cheeks heat as soon as the thought enters my brain, because, same kid, same. Although, I’d prefer to do it somewhere a lot more private and with a lot less clothes.

“About whether or not your mama should come to dinner with Emmy and me tonight,” Stella helpfully supplies.

“Whatcha gonna eat?” He crosses his arms over his chest as he waits for her answer.


Maverick’s brows dip low. “What kind?”

“Whatever kind your mama wants.”

“Who’s going with you?” he asks, and I swear my stupid brain immediately conjures up an image of him asking a younger sibling these same questions before a night out. My boy’s protective nature is pure instinct, and God if it doesn’t make me feel all gooey.

Stella rolls her lips inward to keep from laughing. “Me, your mama, and Miss Emmy.”

“That’s good.” He nods and then freezes. “What about me? Where will I be? I like pizza, too!”

Orion drops down to one knee. “I thought you could hang out with Samson and me. Let the girls have their thing and we can have ours. I’ll even order pizza.”

Tags: L.K. Farlow Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024