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Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U)

Page 56

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“I’m sorry.” And I am, too—sorry I missed all of his calls and sorrier still that he feels guilty for missing mine. He has nothing to feel bad for, not a single thing.

“Don’t.” He leans forward and grips my chin, tilting my face toward his. “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault I overslept.”

I tilt my head, loving the way his rough fingers feel against my skin. “Eh. It kind of is, you know since you spent the night taking care of my sick kid.”

“Frankie.” The way he says my name is toe-curling.

“What?” I whisper, leaning farther into his touch.

“This is going to sound crazy.” He hesitates briefly before sliding his hand up from my chin to cup my cheek. “But—”

“Mama,” Maverick calls out, patting the bed in search of me.

“I’m here, bud.” I smile softly before rolling to face my son, knowing good and well that I’m going to obsess over whatever he was about to say. “How are you feeling?”

“Bleh.” He lifts his head and sticks out his tongue before flopping back against his pillow. But just as quickly, he pops back up. “O! You’re still here!”

Orion scoots closer to me and peers at Maverick over my shoulder. “Of course, I am. I promised you I wouldn’t leave last night.”

Maverick looks up at him like he hung the freaking moon. “Love you, O.”

“Love you, too, bud.”

“Can I stay home today, Mama?” Maverick asks, tugging the covers up to his chin.

“Yeah, but I need to call the doctor’s office and see if they can work you in.”

Mav’s entire body tenses. “Will I have to get a… a shot?”

“I doubt it.”

“But what if I do?” he wails, clutching the comforter to his chest.

Orion answers before I can. “If you do, you’ll handle it like a champ because you’re big and brave. You have super powers, remember?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m strong.” He yawns. “And tired. Can I go back to sleep, Mama?”

“Of course, you can.” I brush his messy hair off of his forehead. “I’ll wake you up when it’s time to get ready.”

“I guess I better get out of here. Ben’s already going to kick my ass.”

I know it’s not his intention, but his words send another ping of guilt through me. If I’d have been home last night, he wouldn’t have overslept this morning.

“Stop it,” Orion softly commands, as if he can hear me berating myself. “I love y’a—that kid. I’m exactly where I want to be, and the only thing I’d change is Mav being sick. Do you hear me?”

“I hear you.” I nod and he climbs out of the bed. “Have a good day.”

The crazy thing is—I think he means it. With me—with us—is exactly where he wants to be.

“You, too.” He pockets his phone and moves across the room toward the door. “And, Frankie?”


“Text me and let me know what the doctor says, okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper, my eyes glued to his retreating form until he’s out of sight.



All I’ve done today is put out fires. Between getting Ben off my ass for oversleeping, to getting a shipment rescheduled, to an issue with a permit, it’s been one thing after another.

It doesn’t help that I’m fucking exhausted. Which doesn’t make any sense, seeing as I was out cold before nine and slept in a good two hours past my normal. If anything, I should be rested.

But I’m not. I’m bone-tired and have a headache forming right behind my left eye.

At least it’s Friday, I guess, but damn what I wouldn’t give to spend the night with Frankie and Maverick. Turns out there’s some twenty-four-hour bug going around and he’s pretty much feeling back to normal.

But the way things are going, the only thing I’ll be doing tonight is sleeping. And I highly doubt Frankie’s going to let me crash in her bed again.

A guy can dream though, I think, waving my key fob to unlock the door.

Inside, I’m met with the sounds of whatever cartoon Maverick’s watching and the smells of whatever Frankie has simmering on the stove.

“O!” Maverick shouts. He pauses his show and jumps up from the couch, heading straight for me. “You’re home! I missed you all day.”

I brace myself for impact, but it’s no use. I feel like crap and the kid hits me like a ton of bricks, knocking us both to the floor. “Shit,” I wheeze, my body absorbing the impact of both the floor and Maverick.

“Is everything okay?” Frankie asks, rounding the corner.

“Fine.” I carefully sit Maverick upright. “Totally fine.”

“I’m sorry,” he says, his lips turned down in a frown. “I just really super missed you.”

It takes me a minute, but eventually, I haul myself back up to my feet. “It’s okay. I missed you, too.”

“Any big plans tonight?” Frankie tugs Maverick into her arms and tips forward to press a kiss to the top of his head.

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