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Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U)

Page 61

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“Orion!” A gasp slips past my lips followed by a moan of delight as I swallow my first bite of steak. “Oh my God. This is… mmm.”

My praise is met with dead silence, and when I look up at him, he’s frozen solid, with his fork halfway to his mouth.

“Are you okay?”

He sets his fork down on the edge of his plate and swallows roughly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Frankie.”

“What?” I ask. “What’s wrong?”

“You really don’t know, do you?” Disbelief tinges his voice.

“Know what?” I blink innocently. “Did I do something wrong?” I definitely know—it was the moan. But hey, the steak really is that good and teasing him really is that fun.

“You… Um.” He reaches up and tugs at his collar. “Sound like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Oh, yeah, I am. The food is amazing.” I pop another bite into my mouth and moan again, licking my lips this time. “Best I’ve ever had.”

“It’s like you’re trying to kill me,” he mutters under his breath.

“If you don’t want me to tell you how delicious your meat tastes in my mouth, I won’t.” I pout my lower lip and take a silent bite.

“You’re something else.” He shakes his head, but he’s smiling. “I’m over here thinking you’re some innocent little lamb, when you were fucking with me the whole time.”

I hold up my index finger, signaling for him to wait while I chew. “Not the whole time. It really is amazing. Juicy and so flavorful.”

“Thanks.” He forks some mashed sweet potatoes into his mouth. “The sides really made the meal though. You and I… we make a good team.”

I want to take those words and pick them apart. Does he mean we make a good team as friends or as something more? I know he’s expressed interest in me, but how deep does his desire run? Am I making something out of nothing? Or is he as into me as I am him?

“Yeah, we really do,” is what I settle on. “Wanna help clear the table and clean up?”

Orion slides his chair back. “We both cooked, so we both clean. I like it.” He grabs my plate and stacks it on top of his. “I like you, too.”

I trail behind him, blushing like a schoolgirl.

“What now?” he asks, once the kitchen is sparkling clean.

“Now you let me thank you for such an amazing night.” I step into his space and press my lips to his cheek in a quick kiss. “Thank you.”

“Not so fast.” He hooks an arm around my waist, preventing me from retreating. “If we’re doling out thanks, I owe you some, too. Hence the whole reason for this dinner.”

I look up at him just in time for his mouth to come down on mine. His lips are soft yet insistent and I can’t help the gasp that escapes me.

Orion seizes the opportunity and slips his tongue into my mouth, tangling it with mine as he kisses me like I’m the dessert he’s been waiting all night to savor.

He tunnels his fingers into my hair, no doubt messing up my curls. Using his newfound leverage, he tilts my head, deepening our kiss.

With every skilled swipe of his tongue, my body aches with the need for release. Since moving here, my poor showerhead has been put through the ringer, but right now, my body wants the high only Orion can give me.

“Fuck, Frankie,” he murmurs, breathless as he breaks our kiss and releases his grip on my hair.

I touch my fingers to my still-tingling lips. “That was…”

“Fucking perfect,” he finishes for me. “You’re perfect.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m really not.”

“You’re flawed, sure. We all are. But, Frankie, you’re… you’ve been through so much but you still shine so fucking bright. You’re an amazing mother, a good friend, and just…”

“Just what?” I whisper, my entire body on tenterhooks as I wait for him to finish his train of thought.

“Fuck, this is going to sound crazy.” He tugs me even closer; so close I can feel how fast his heart is beating in his chest. “I want you, and I know you and Mav are a package deal. So yeah, I want him, too.”

His fingers flex against my hips, like he’s trying to hold himself back. “And I know he’s got a dad, but, Frankie, I fucking mean it.”

“What?” I can barely form the word; my brain and mouth are not on the same frequency. His kiss must have rendered me dumb, because surely, he didn’t just say what I think he did.

“I’m. All. In.” His tone is unyielding, and before I can even begin to think of a reply, his lips are once again on mine.

I want so badly to throw myself into this, to greedily take all he’s offering.

But I can’t.

Not until he knows the truth.

“Orion.” I pull away from him and step out of his embrace, putting some much needed but unwanted distance between us. “I… I feel the same, but we need to talk.”

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