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Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U)

Page 66

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He’s been all little touches, lingering looks, and filthy texts. He also came to ATF and booked me in the VIP room—something Walt had a field day over, God love him—but even there, in the low lights with me half-naked, he wouldn’t take my bait.

And believe me, I tried.

“You all ready for a long weekend with my brother?” Stella asks, immediately cringing. “Nope, don’t answer that. Brain bleach!”

Orion laughs. “Now you know how I feel.”

She rolls her eyes and hops up onto the island, her feet swinging back and forth over the ledge. “Whatever.”

“I’m just saying, Smalls. What goes around comes around. You ended up with my best friend, so it’s only fair—”

“Hold up. I am not your consolation prize because your little sister is—”

Orion steps into my space and presses his lips to mine, silencing my protest. “You’re a prize period, Bluebird.”

“O!” Maverick yells as he bounds into the room. “Did you just kiss my mama?”

This isn’t how I wanted to tell him. I mean, the kid’s intuitive, so I’m sure he has an inkling, but now…

“I did,” Orion says, dropping down to a kneeling position in front of my son. “Are you okay with that?”

Mav taps his index finger against his chin. “Why’d you do it? Do you love her? ‘Cause on tv people kiss when they’re in love.”

“What would you say if I told you that I do in fact love her?”

The biggest smile I’ve ever seen takes over his face. “I’d say finally!”

See, intuitive.

Orion opens his arms and Maverick tackle-hugs him to the floor. “Glad you’re okay with it, bud.”

“You are?” Mav rolls off of him and rearranges himself so that he’s sitting cross-legged on the floor.

“Of course,” Orion says, also sitting up. “You’re the most important thing in the world to your mama, and knowing that you’re okay with me loving her, too… that’s important to me.”

Oh my God, my heart can’t take this. My chest aches, like the organ behind my ribs is tripling in size with the overload of love pumping through it.

“Good.” Maverick nods and then pops up to his feet, turning to, with his eyes wide. “Mama, we gotta call Uncle Phin! I tolded him this was gonna happen and he said no way!”

Orion arches a brow as I press my palms into my burning cheeks, as I recall the silly argument my brother and son had over whether anything would happen between Orion and me.

Maverick was adamant, whereas Phoenix flat-out said ‘There’s no way your prickly cactus of a mama is falling for anyone, Mav.’ I zipped my lips during that call, and good thing too, because I’d definitely be eating crow.

“Oh, Maverick,” I murmur, looking to Stella for help. But she’s too busy batting away pesky tears to come to my aide. At least I’m not the only one feeling a little emotional.

“Is it time to go to Gigi and Pop-Pop’s yet?” Maverick asks, no longer interested in why Orion kissed me.

My whole-body warms at the knowledge how loved my son is, at the family we’ve found.

She smiles down at him. “Sure. Go grab your bag and we’ll hit the road.”

“Yes!” He jumps up, waving his hands over his head before taking off down the hall to get his bag.

Seconds later, he flies back into the room. “Okay, let’s go!”

Stella hops down from the island. “Don’t you want to tell your mom bye?”

“Oh!” He runs over and wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight. “I love you, Mama.”

“I love you, too, Mav. Be good, okay?”

“I’m always good.” He beams up at me. “Pop-Pop says I’m the bestest boy!”

Orion stands, rolling his lips inward to keep from laughing. “Does he now?”

“Yup!” Maverick hugs Orion, too, and then he and Stella are on their way, leaving just the two of us.

“Are you ready to go, too?” Orion asks, crowding me from behind. He moves my hair off of my neck and skims his nose over my sensitive skin.


“Then let’s go.” He starts for the door.

“I need my bag!” I laugh, heading down the hall to my room.

“Do you though? And here I thought I’d just keep you naked and in bed with me the whole weekend.”

“I’m not opposed to the idea.” I drag my teeth over my lip and clench my thighs together, already picturing the rumpled sheets. “But I’m still bringing clothes.”

In my room, I double check that I have everything I need packed—including something extra special for Orion. I quickly grab my phone charger and toothbrush, tucking them both into the front pocket of my duffel before rejoining Orion in the kitchen.

“It seems you packed a bag, too.” I arch a brow.

“Doesn’t mean it’s clothes. For all you know it could be full of sex toys.” He winks, and I laugh.

“You’re a mess. Let’s go.”

“I’m your mess,” he corrects, taking my bag from me.

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