Pretty Little Thing (Central Valley U) - Page 74

He taps his index finger against his chin, his eyes darting back and forth between his mom and me. “Could I still sleep with you sometimes? You know, like if I get scared or just miss you?”

“Of course,” Frankie says.

“Okay, then. It’ll make movie night easier, too!”

I can practically see Frankie’s tension melt away when her son smiles. He is the key to her happiness, and I’m damn sure going to do my best to be what he needs—what they need.

“Son,” Dad says, pulling me from my thoughts. “You wanna help me clear the table?”

“Sure…” I murmur, wondering what he’s up to.

Samson must be suspicious, too, because he quickly volunteers to help as well.

Between the three of us, we manage to get most of the dishes into the kitchen. Dad scrapes the food, and then passes them to me to rinse, and then I pass them to Samson who loads them into the dishwasher.

We go on like this for a minute or two, while my dad gathers together the words for whatever he has to say.

“So.” His deep voice rings through the kitchen. “You’re in love with Frankie.”

I turn off the sink faucet, dry my hands, and face him. “I am.”

“And you’re ready to be a dad? Because it’s not just her—”

“Dad, Frankie and Maverick are everything I never knew I wanted. I can’t imagine my life, present or future, without them. They’re it for me. I want to put a ring on her finger, and if she and Maverick are willing, I’d love to adopt him. I know it seems fast, and maybe a little crazy, but those two… they’re my future.”

For a long minute, nobody speaks.

But then, the biggest smile I’ve ever seen splits my dad’s cheeks. “And to think, you said she was just Stella’s friend. I’m proud of you, son.” He chuckles and pats me on the back.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Why don’t you boys finish up in here? I promised Maverick we could put together the Legos we bought before y’all went home.”

“Shit got serious fast, huh?” Samson asks, once it’s just the two of us.

“Shit’s been serious since the day I met her.”

He arches a brow at me in question.

“She’s Birdie, man.” Samson freezes, staring at me in wide-eyed shock. “I told you. I knew from the second I saw her that she was it for me, and I was right. I’m going to marry her, man.”

“Damn, brother.” He shakes his head. “I’m really fucking happy for you. But you know you technically have to ask her first, right?”

“She’ll say yes.” I nudge his shoulder with mine.

“If you say so.” The shit-eating grin on his face tells me he’s joking.

“I know so.”



“Mav, get your backpack, we don’t want to be late today!” I holler, pouring myself a travel mug of coffee.

It’s been three weeks since Stella moved in with Samson, Maverick into his own bedroom, and Orion into mine.

I was apprehensive at first—for nearly five years, the only place Mav has ever slept is beside me. But he absolutely loves having his own space. It certainly doesn’t hurt that Orion went above and beyond, building him bookshelves, a desk, and a play table.

He spoils him… and I love it.

“I’m coming, Mama!” He flies into the kitchen. “Where’s O?”

“I’m here, I’m here,” he says, walking out of his old bedroom, which is now my office.

I put up a good fight, saying it made sense for him to use it, but he insisted, what with me having accepted the office manager position with his company and all.

Turns out, they really did need the help, and Ben, despite being a little clueless, is a good guy.

“You sure you don’t want to take the lead on this?” Orion asks me, straightening his safety vest.

“O!” Maverick whines, and I can’t help but smile.

“He’s right. No one wants to hear about desk work, they want to know about tools and demo.”

“As long as you’re okay with it,” he murmurs, sneaking a quick kiss.

“Can we go now?” Maverick tugs on my hand. “Please, Mama? Miss Jenna said to get there early!”

God love him, he’s been so excited for career day ever since he brought the flier home. At first, I was worried—I hadn’t left ATF yet, and God knows, I couldn’t talk to a room of four year olds about the wonders of exotic dancing.

Luckily, Maverick had his sights set on Orion from the start.

We all pile into the truck, and without Maverick having to ask, Orion cues up the Paw Patrol soundtrack.

“I was thinking we could get lunch after?” he says, once we’re on the highway. “Maybe check Mav out so we can all go?”

“Oh, um. Sure, that’s fine.”

He looks at me from the side of his eyes and smiles. “Good.”

I narrow mine, but he doesn’t give anything away.

The drive to the school is fast, but the parking lot is already full, leaving us to park at the back of the lot. Apparently, they weren’t kidding about getting here early.

Tags: L.K. Farlow Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024