Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 9

“Do you really have to kill all these flowers?” I ask Enzo when he reaches me.


“Does it matter? This is just so perfect. This is everything. I could come here every day of my life.”

His lip twitches. “You’re somethin’ else entirely, aren’t you?”

I grin and lie down, stretching my arms out. Enzo comes over, joining me, and I turn my face to look at him. “Do you bring all the girls that come out here to this little love field?”

“It ain’t a love field, and you’re the second group, so no.”

“Did you get frisky with the first group?”

He grunts. “No.”

“Oh, so you’re against it?”

“Never said that.”

“So, I’m in for a chance? I’ll take those odds.”

I grin and jump up, running into the field some more.

This is the best thing I’ve ever experienced.

Hands down.

“FAYE, HAVE YOU SEEN my backpack? I can’t find it anywhere. I’m certain I left it on my bed when I went out this morning,” I call to Faye, who has just woken up from a day of sleeping to try and erase her migraine.

She walks into my room, her eyes are tired, and her hair is a mess. Poor girl. I’ve only suffered a few migraines in my time, but I know they’re fucking awful. To have them burden you all the time must be tough. “I haven’t been in here,” Faye says. “Are you sure you didn’t take it with you this morning?”

I shake my head. “No, I definitely didn’t have it with me but maybe I left it somewhere else. I’ll go and have a look.”

“Has it got important things in it?” she asks, rubbing a hand down her face.

“Just my purse, some photos of Hudson, and the keys to my house and truck. I’m sure I’ve just misplaced it.”

“I’ll help you look.”

“No, girl, rest. You look like you need more of it. How’s the head?”

She gives me a small smile. “It’s better, thanks, but I’m still pretty tired. The meds they give me for them knock me around. Hopefully it’ll be the only one I get while we’re here. I was so upset I missed out on today. How was it?”

“It was so good. Enzo took me to this big field full of purple flowers. Apparently, they’re weeds but man, it was nice. The kayaking was super fun, too.”

“You went with Enzo?” She grins.

“Oh, be quiet, I had to.”

I wink at her and then go out into the cabin and look around for my bag, but I find nothing. Absolutely nothing. Concerned, I look again and then wonder if I did take it with me and forgot and left it somewhere. Maybe someone else picked it up. I rack my brain trying to remember if I took it or not, but I honestly don’t recall having it. I decide to go down to the main house and ask.

I tell Faye I’m going, put some shoes on, and then walk through the paddocks to the main house. When I get there, the guys are saddling up some horses to do some work for the afternoon. Rhett has this big, black stallion that suits him so incredibly well. I walk over to him and the gorgeous horse.

“I wouldn’t,” Lei calls, coming down from the house. “That horse is a savage, he’ll take your hand right off.”

I snatch my hand back and look up at Rhett, who is grinning. “She’s right, this horse is a fuckin’ dick.”

I look at the horse, and he snorts at me.

“Well, screw you too, buddy.”

“You lookin’ for someone?” Rhett asks.

“Actually, yeah, I was wondering if you had a bag handed in after the kayaking today? I have lost a bag from my room, and I can’t find it anywhere. I’m certain I left it in my cabin, but maybe I took it with me.”

Rhett turns to the group of guys and asks them all, but they all shake their heads. “Nothin’ here, sorry.”

“I’ll come with you, and we’ll go and ask the others, maybe they haven’t handed it in yet,” Lei says, smiling at me.

“Sounds good.”

I make eye contact with Enzo, who is on a large, well-muscled brown horse. “Is your horse nice?”

Enzo grins. “Only to me.”

I huff. “We’ll see.”

“Don’t let them take you on a ride, they’ll put you on the meanest horse they have, or in my case, it was the fattest,” Lei says, and then we begin walking toward the cabins again.

“So you were from the first group, you must have really loved it to stay?”

She smiles. “I fell in love with it, but it was mostly him ...”

She glances back at Rhett.

Well, I can’t say I blame her there.

“You picked a good one, that’s for sure. So, you live here now?”

“I do, but I still go back and forth just until the orchestra fills my seat.”

“You were in an orchestra? That’s super cool!”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024