Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 12

“Here here,” Alice says. “There are only so many arguments I can handle in one day.”

“And don’t get me started on the tantrums over the craziest things.” Faye nods, eyes wide.

I laugh, bringing the vape to my mouth where I inhale deep. The buzz is almost instant and oh, it feels good. “I’ve only got one, so I’m not at that stage yet. He’s such a quiet boy.”

“You’re lucky, I bet you’ve got a gorgeous man too,” Chev says, pursing her lips. “You’re fucking adorable, I want to marry you.”

Adorable, not a word I’ve had used to describe me often, but I’ll take it.

“No, my ex and I aren’t together anymore, but we get along well.”

Depending on which story you hear.

I’m not here to spill secrets.

“You’re lucky, my ex is a giant piece of shit and has nothing to do with my kids,” Chev tells me, frowning.

“Oh, I’m sorry, that must be so hard,” Faye says, her eyes all doe like and kind.

She’s so bloody nice, I don’t know how considering what she’s been through. Losing her partner and having so many kids, life must get chaotic sometimes. She’s always so happy, it’s almost addictive.

“I’m used to it.” Chev shrugs, taking the vape off me once I have another hit.

The other group is sitting on the other side of the fire and they’re chatting amongst themselves, as far as I know, they’re familiar with one another. I’ve had a chat with most of them, and they’re super nice, but I keep my circle small. The whole not liking people that much and all that.

“God damn, that stuff is good,” Alice says, handing the vape to Faye.

“It’s strong,” Chev tells her. “Only the best, have as much as you want. We’re having fun tonight.”

“We should go check out the murder barn.” Faye grins, her eyes wide. “That would be super fun.”

“Oh, I’m down for that,” I agree, nodding my head. “After seeing that on the news, I’m super excited to check it out. Can you believe their first camp someone died?”

“That’s full crazy,” Chev grins. “Should we do it?”

“When are the guys coming back?” Alice asks.

I grin. “They’re preparing dinner, they’ll be a while.”

“Let’s do it,” Faye says, jumping up.

We all stand, taking a drink and the vape with us.

“Does anyone know where it is?” Alice asks.

“I do,” Chev says. “Dante told me when I asked him about this place and the murder, he was happy to tell the story. He of course told me it’s out of bounds, but a look can’t hurt. Did you know the history behind the barn?”

“Do share,” I say, taking the vape when it’s handed back to me.

“Well, apparently that wasn’t the first murder to occur there. Back when it was first built, before any of us were born, there was a murder and the town people thought it was cursed after that, and then, like two lots of people died looking at it.”

My eyes widen. “No shit? That is something. I really want to see it now.”

“Wait, you’re serious?” Faye asks, hurrying alongside of us. “Now I’m not so certain I want to see it.”

“Don’t be silly, it’ll be fun!” Chev grins.

It takes a while, but finally after a little bit of trekking around, we find the mysterious barn. It sits alone, surrounded by trees, eerie in its appearance. It radiates something sinister, like you can feel it emanating off the walls. I cross my arms, mostly so I can rub at them because ugh, this is not at all comfortable.

“Not going to lie,” I mutter. “I hate this place.”

“Come on,” Chev says, hooking her arm through mine. “It’s great.”

I narrow my eyes and glance at the barn. She must be out of her mind if she thinks this is great. It is not great. You can feel the horror that occurred just standing in front of it. I wonder how that poor boy felt when he got murdered by someone he trusted right behind those creaky wooden doors. I shiver and Chev pulls me closer, obviously feeling my anxiety.

“I dare one of you to go in there,” Chev says, her voice way too chipper considering we’re standing in front of murder barn.

“Hell no,” I say quickly. “No way.”

“Nope,” Faye shakes her head. “I’d rather cut off my limbs and try to make my way back to that campfire than to enter that demon infested barn.”

I stare at her. “Yo, I think that’s the darkest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

Faye stares at me. “It’s the weed, it makes me crazy.”


“I’ll go in there.” Alice shrugs, taking a sip of her drink. “I’m not scared of a few ghosts.”

“Yes, sis.” Chev releases me to clap as Alice approaches the barn.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I squeak. “There could be anything in there. Giant snakes, rats, wild animals ...”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024