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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

Page 25

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“What’s going on?” Faye asks, rushing outside.

“Someone was out here, and that someone was near my window. I’m calling Rhett.”

I go inside and get my phone, dialing Rhett’s number.

“Everything okay?” he asks, sleepily.

“Someone was outside my cabin just now, and I ran out to confront them and they disappeared into the woods.”


He’s a little more awake now.

I tell him everything that we’ve heard, and he tells me to go inside, lock the door, and they’d be here soon.

We do as he asks and wait for him to arrive.

He does so about twenty minutes later, followed by Enzo and Lake.

I open the door for them, and they all step inside.

“Tell us exactly what you saw,” Rhett asks me.

I tell him, and then I give him Faye’s idea. He listens, nodding, and then looks to Enzo. “What do you think, brother?”

“I think Faye could be right, it has been a hot spot since the murder, maybe some teens are sneakin’ in. It’s not hard to do if they know the backroads.”

“Can’t have them causin’ problems for my campers,” Rhett mutters.

“We can install some security,” Lake suggests. “Maybe try and catch who is comin’ in.”

Rhett nods. “Go and check the woods, see if you can find anything, I’ll wait here with the girls until you’re back.”

The two men disappear and Rhett paces around, looking pissed that he’s having these kinds of issues. I feel bad for him, it would be hard trying to create a name for yourself and have someone ruining that at every chance. I know he must be frustrated, being that he can’t really keep people from sneaking into his property.

It would suck.

“Teens do stupid things,” Faye offers, trying to lighten the mood. “I mean, I would have tried to sneak in at that age and check out a barn where people died. It’s a pretty common thing for them to do.”

Rhett grunts.

She’s right, though.

As a teen, I would have been all over a place like this. It’s exactly what you’d want to come and see. You’re out, drunk with your friends, and you all start talking about a barn where people were murdered. I’d be running in this direction. Hell, us ladies were only doing it just the other night, and we’re grown ass women.

Am I just trying to make myself feel better now? Probably.

“Why don’t you knock the barn down?” I ask. “Solve the problem?”

He looks at me. “That thing is a fuckin’ curse, if I knock it down I can almost guarantee some bad shit will go down. No fuckin’ way.”

I mean ... word.

“Well, maybe some cameras near the barn and the entrances and around the cabins will fix the problems,” Faye suggests.

“Or some big fuck-off dogs,” I mumble.

Rhett looks to me. “Not a bad idea.”

“Oh,” I cry. “Puppies?”

He practically rolls his eyes and mutters something about women.

The guys get back a few minutes later, reporting they couldn’t see or hear anything, and Rhett tells me that he’ll organize for some installing of cameras and offers us to sleep up at the main house if we’re not comfortable.

“We’re fine,” I say. “I’m sure it was just some teenagers having fun.”

“I’ll stay here,” Enzo offers. “Crash on the couch, just in case whoever it is decides to come back.”

Faye’s brows go up and she looks to me, I give her a wide-eyed expression, and she grins before shrugging. “I don’t mind either way, whatever works for everyone.”

Rhett looks to me. “You good with that?”

I shrug. “Doesn’t bother me.”

Enzo’s eyes meet mine, and I grin.

If he thinks he’s going to crawl into my bed and have a wild night of passionate sex, he’s sadly mistaken. Oh no, I’m going to shut the doors tonight, just like he shut them on me earlier.

“Okay, we’ll check in tomorrow.”

They leave, and Enzo walks over to the sofa, turning to me. “Got a pillow?”

“I don’t know, you all created these cabins. Do we have spares?”

“Think you’ve probably got a hundred on your bed.”

“I need all of them.”

“What for?”

“Cuddles. I’ll find a spare.”

I go to the linen cupboard and find some spare pillows and a blanket. I bring them out to him, tossing them on the sofa. “Well —” I smile, big “— sleep tight.”

Faye laughs, wishes Enzo a goodnight and disappears into her room. I turn to go back to mine, but Enzo’s hand lashes out, grabbing my wrist and stopping me. I turn, looking at him over my shoulder. “Can I help you with something?”

“You goin’ to stay?”

“Nope, I’m tired. I hope you have a good sleep.”

He looks at me, almost confused, then murmurs, “Playin’ the game, are you?”

“What game? I’m tired, a girl needs her beauty sleep. I’m sure you’re a big boy and can sleep on your own for a night.”

He bares his teeth at me, and I pull my wrist away from his hand with a smile. “Goodnight, cowboy.”

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