Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 30

I’m a little intrigued, I won’t lie.

But also terrified.

“I’m so excited,” Faye chirps, stuffing some things into her pack. “I love nature, and I am so excited to go back to basics and have nothing, to have to work for everything we’ve got. My favorite novels as a kid were the ones where people got stranded on an island and had to survive. Oh, what I would do for that.”

I stare at her, my top lip scrunched up a little. “Did you hit your head getting up this morning or?”

She laughs. “Come on, you don’t imagine what it would be like? Oh, I think of a movie like the blue lagoon, the house they had, oh, so romantic.”

I stare at her, my eyes scarily wide. “Are you sure we were watching the same movie? It seemed horrendous, being stuck there, imagine all the sunburn.”

Faye grins. “They were so beautifully tanned.”

“That’s what the movie said, but let’s be honest, they weren’t. They were shriveled and peeling. and they certainly weren’t enjoying romantic sex, her fanny was probably so dry from all that salt water it would have closely resembled shoving sandpaper up there. Don’t even get me started on her periods. A coconut is no replacement for chocolate!”

Faye bursts out laughing, stepping forward and throwing her arms around me. “I bloody love you.”

I grin.

“What about the creepy full moon business?” I go on, stepping away.

Faye nods. “That was a little creepy, I’ll admit.”

“Well, one thing is for certain, at least we don’t have to deal with creepy tribes wherever we’re going.”

Faye nods, and then grins wickedly. “That you know of.”

I slap her arm and turn, gathering up the rest of my things before walking outside. Faye is already out there, and she has something in her hand, it looks like a note. She’s staring at it, and startles when I come out, shoving the note down quickly. “What’s that?” I ask.

“Oh, ah ...”

She’s a terrible liar, that’s one thing I’ve learned about her in this short time. “Faye, what is it?”

“There was a note on our door.”

“Who from?” I ask, stretching my hand out.

“I don’t know.”

“Give it to me, Faye.”

She hesitates, and then hands it to me. Before I’ve even read it, she says, “It’s probably just a prank.”

I open the note and read the scrawled handwriting.

Be careful up there, I’ll be watching you ...

I study the note, confused.

I look up at Faye. “This was on the door?”

“Yes, just stuck there.”

“Who would leave something like this? It must be someone who knows where we’re going. Do you think it could be Linda? She doesn’t like me. I’m going to confront her.”

“Wait,” Faye says, grabbing my arm, “before you do that, I think you should show Rhett. With everything else that has been going on, it feels a little weird that someone is leaving notes now. What if it isn’t Linda?”

“Who else would it be?”

I don’t even want to ask that question.

God, no.

If I ask it, I might just become terrified of the answer.

“I don’t know, but let’s just show him, yeah?”

I exhale but agree with her. We gather our things and meet everyone at the main house. The guys are all loaded up with big packs, and I walk right over to Rhett so I can get this over and done with before I confront Linda. I’m certain she’s behind it. At least, the niggling part inside my chest is hoping she’s behind it because that answer feels a lot safer than the alternative.

“Hi, lovely.” Lei smiles, giving me a wave. “Are you excited for the trip?”

“I’m not certain excited is the word I’d use.” I smile at her, then hand Rhett the note. “This was on our cabin door.”

He opens it, and Lei leans in, staring over his forearm so she can read it. She’s so bloody adorable and awkward, in this nerdy, sweet kind of way. I really like her, and I vow to get to know her better on this trip because she’s the kind of girl you want to sit and chat with.

“This was on your door?” Rhett asks.

“Yep, just stuck there.”

“Any idea who left it?”

I shake my head. “I had my suspicions, but Faye wanted me to show you before running my mouth at a certain woman with the name Linda.”

Rhett looks at me, his mouth twitching. “While I am certain you and Linda don’t see eye to eye, I don’t think she’s this petty. This seems ...”

“Darker,” Lei mumbles. “Does anyone know you’re here? Anyone you might have had some problems with in the past?”

“We’re not in a romance novel, babe.” Rhett grins at her. “I think we can probably assume it’s someone playing a prank and not someone planning on murdering her.”

“Whoa,” I say, putting my hands up. “Nobody said anything about murder.”

“Lei does have a point though. You don’t have someone who would want to play a prank on you like this, do you?” Rhett asks.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024