Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 38

The guys got up early this morning, so early that when I woke Enzo was gone. They left and went looking for whoever I had seen last night. Dante stayed with us, but everyone else was gone for a few hours. They returned saying they had found a campfire a few miles in that was still hot, but nobody was there. They put it down to campers, probably some creepy ones, and left it at that.

I know a different story.

“There was a guy standing there, just staring at me. He had a gun. It was fucking terrifying,” I tell her.

She gasps, her eyes widening. “Seriously?”


“What the hell was someone doing all the way up here?”

“I have no idea,” I lie.

But I do have an idea.

A strong sense of exactly who was up here.

“Well, we won’t be drinking and partying anymore. Rhett yelled at us and called us a group of hot mess moms. Which is absolutely true, but he also has no idea what it’s like being a mom and being let off the leash. We’re only human.”

I smile. “I like the term hot mess, it describes me perfectly.”

She laughs. “Oh girl, same.”

“See these berries,” Elias calls, snapping us from our conversation.

We gather around him and look the little red berries on the bush.

“These, while they look exactly like berries, are actually not. They’re incredibly poisonous if eaten and would probably kill you if you ate enough.”


How wonderful.

I give Chev a side eye.

We’ve been separated from Faye and Alice, I guess they figured if we were apart, then we won’t get into trouble. The only problem is they’ve put Linda and Quincy in our group, and I’m not really okay with that because Linda has done nothing but glare at me and murmur little insults to Quincy this entire time.

“Linda,” I say. “Want to give one a munch to see if he’s right?”

Linda glares at me. “Some of us take this seriously, Juniper. I actually want to learn what’s safe and what’s not.”

“Rocks are a safe bet, if all else fails.”

Chev grins.

Elias gives me a look. “Enough of your big mouth, June. You’re walkin’ a thin line as it is.”

Madden nods, sharply.


Being told off by them kind of sucks.

Linda grins and Quincy giggles.

We keep walking, but I stay in my place until Linda goes to step past me. I put my foot out, and, as gracefully as a wet cat, she tumbles to the ground.

“Oh, shit,” I say. “Watch your footing, love. There are big rocks everywhere.”

“She tripped me,” Linda yells, getting to her feet. “I’ve had enough. Enough. I’m going to leave the worst review of this horrible place. If this is how you let people behave then I don’t know why you call it a retreat. It’s nothing but hell.”

“Fuck,” Elias barks. “That’s it. You two, back to camp, right fuckin’ now. Madden, keep this group going. These two are goin’ to start learnin’ to hold their tongues.”

I open my mouth, but the look on Elias’ face has me snapping it closed.

Quietly, we follow him back to camp where Rhett and Enzo are currently preparing lunch. They both look up when we get close, and my skin prickles as I stare at the gorgeous, shirtless man that I so delicately fucked last night. God, do I want more of him. I want so much more.

“Can’t deal with these two and their fuckin’ bickering a second longer, boss. They’re out of control. You can handle them now,” Elias says, before turning and walking off.

Rhett looks at the two of us, and Enzo’s eyes slowly move from Linda then back to me.

I swallow.

They look kind of pissed.

“You two have a real issue with one another, is there a reason for it?” Rhett asks, crossing his arms. “Because it’s gettin’ old now.”

“She’s a big-mouthed woman who is only here for her own personal pleasure and doesn’t even want to try and enjoy what the retreat has to offer. I thought this would be incredible, but it’s been nothing but hell. I have nothing good to say about this retreat.”

Linda crosses her arms and looks away.

“She can’t stand me because I fucked Enzo on the lake and because of that, she thinks I’m some sort of cheap whore who is here for whatever the hell she thinks I’m here for, and she has been nothing but snippy ever since. She’s jealous and clearly has a problem with me,” I mutter. “She never even tried to get to know me.”

Linda glares at me. “Why would I bother? You have no class. You’re a cheap, easy ...”

“Fuckin’ enough,” Enzo warns.

“I’m about done with this shit,” Rhett growls, his eyes narrowing. “You two are goin’ to sort your problems out, and you’re not fuckin’ leaving until you do.”

Great, now we’re being scolded like children.

“You two are going to sit on that fallen log by the river, you’re going to take a pen and paper, and you’re going to answer these five things, in depth, about the other person. One, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Two, what are you most afraid of in this world? Three, what makes you the happiest and why? Four, what about the other person makes you so angry? Five, list ten things you like about the other person, by talking to them.”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024