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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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Enzo glances at Rhett, whose mouth is a tight line.

“Men like this make me fuckin’ wild, we gotta do somethin’ about it,” Enzo growls.

“I agree,” Rhett says with a nod, “but we don’t need another media storm. We need to be careful about how we approach this.”

“There is nothing you can do that’ll make him go away,” I say, shaking my head because even though I appreciate the gesture, Joel isn’t likely to go anywhere any time soon. “He’ll not leave me alone. I’ll have to move again. I should go home c...”

Enzo reaches across the table and grabs my hand, firmly, but with a determination in his eyes that’s a little scary for whoever is going to be on the receiving end of it. “You’re not leavin’. Trust me when I say we have ways of makin’ this piece of shit leave you and your son alone, you just have to trust that we can do that. Is your son safe right now?”

I nod. “For now, he’s focused on me. He probably has some sick plan of taking me, taking Hudson and keeping us somewhere until we agree to never leave. He’s sick. He could be planning anything. I trust Ronnie, though, and I know he won’t let Hudson out of his sight until this has been dealt with.”

Rhett nods. “That’s good. Look, let us sleep on this, but I can assure you, June, we will deal with this. Until we do, you should always stay in groups when moving around. Try not to go anywhere alone, just in case he does try something.”

I nod, rubbing my arms.

It feels good to say something, and yet at the same time I’m even more worried now. If they don’t fix this, and it gets worse ...

“We’ve got this,” Enzo says, and I look up at him, holding his eyes. “I promise you that.”

I swallow and, in a quiet voice, I say, “Hudson is my life. I can’t let that man anywhere near him. I’ve done everything I can to protect my son from that monster. I pray that you’re right, and this goes away, because I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t.”

“We’ve got you.” Rhett nods. “Enzo will take you back to your cabin, and we’ll discuss further in the morning.”

I nod and stand.

Enzo follows me outside and we start walking in silence toward the cabins. Halfway there, Enzo stops. “Listen, I fucked up earlier. I didn’t realize there was so much to this. I thought you were keepin’ somethin’ else and had been lying to me all this time. It fuckin’ gutted me. But I get why you did it. So, I’m sorry.”

From Enzo, that’s huge.

And I get it, I do.

“I appreciate it,” I say softly, continuing to walk.

“What’d he do to you, June?”

I rub my upper arms as we keep moving. I just want to get back to the cabin and lock all the doors, so I feel a tiny bit safe.

“He was abusive, not overly violent but pushing and occasional slapping. It was the constant mental abuse, the kind that would send you into this crazy state you couldn’t get out of. I did things that made me look absolutely insane because he’d drive me to it. He was controlling, and he had the impression that he owned me and that would never change. If it wasn’t for Hudson, I’m not certain I would have gotten out. But the thought of raising a child with him ...”

“It’s admirable, what you did. Ronnie, too.”

“Ronnie saved my life. Not only does he love Hudson as if he created him himself, but he has always taken care of me. He has always been there. He is now, and forever, Hudson’s father, and that’s that.”

“Your son is lucky to have someone like him.”

He’s right.

He is.

I just pray I can keep it that way.


I sit on the end of the bed after having a shower. Enzo is by the door, and he’s made sure I’m settled before he leaves. The only problem is, I don’t want him to leave. God, I really don’t want him to go. I know Faye is here, and I know we’re safe, but I just don’t feel it right now. Everything inside me is swirling in turmoil, and I just need some comfort.

“Enzo,” I say, just as he murmurs a goodnight and goes to leave.

He pauses and looks back at me.

“I know it’s a big ask ...”

He doesn’t hesitate.

He steps forward, grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head and then walks to my bed. Not a second thought, not a question. He knows exactly what I was going to ask. My heart swells as he throws the cover back and drops his jeans, climbing in.

He’s naked.

In my bed.

Oh boy.

I’m not sure if I’m overwhelmed or just on the verge of bursting out in tears at his gesture, but I know it’s the kindest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. He didn’t hesitate, he didn’t even flinch, he just got into the bed because he knew I needed him.

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